The air base

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(By the way: in this fanfic your name is Aleks)
Colby POV:
"Babe, Sam and I were planning on going to see an abandoned airbase we heard about for an XPLR video and were wondering if you could join us..?" Aleks seemed a little worried but said yes "I've actually wanted to go with you guys to explore a haunted place for ages.." I was excited that she was coming and told her to be ready by six so we could get there by sunset so it wouldn't be too dark.
Sam POV:
"Hey Aleks, you ready?" I yelled up the stairs. She blurted out "yes!" And ran down the stairs wearing yoga pants and a black oversized XPLR hoodie which I believed to be Colby's. We got in the car where Colby drove and I let Aleks sit in the front seat so I chilled in the back. As we were driving I heard a quiet squeal so I poked my head through the seats to notice Colby's hand on Aleks' thigh. I smirked and said: "Keep your pants on till we get back guys!" Aleks and Colby giggled just as we started pulling up to the air base. We checked out the place first and found a lower fence to jump (Colby helping Aleks of course) I put the camera on and headed off exploring.
Aleks POV:
"It's gonna get dark soon... Let's go in here fi~" Colby cut me off by placing his finger on my lip gently. I was confused and then I heard it too... Someone was shouting and we heard knocking. We all ran into the closest building (which was actually quite big) until we couldn't hear it anymore, "This place is huge!" Colby exclaimed. Sam walked around with the camera to show everyone around. The walls were covered in graffiti and everything was broken or torn apart, the whole place gave me chills. I walked off to see the kitchen but neither Colby nor Sam saw me walk off and I then heard them screaming my name. "In here!" I shouted while staring at some disturbing pictures on the wall... I suddenly felt two strong hands on my waist while I slightly jumped. "It's just me babe..." I heard Colby whisper right near my ear, he span me round with his hands on my waist, his eyes dark and filled with lust. As I looked up at him he lowered his head and kissed me... One hand cupping my cheek and the other still on my waist as I put my hands around his neck. We suddenly heard Sam sniggering and noticed he was recording us. "Dude! Seriously!?" Colby said angrily while storming off. I chased after him and Sam said he'd delete it. We carried on walking and soon discovered some stairs which eventually led up to the roof but to get to the roof you had to climb the wall where some handles were missing. Colby got up there with no difficulty so Sam handed him the camera and followed him up. I couldn't quite get my leg up onto the next handle so Colby jumped down and helped me lift my leg up by my thigh which made me shiver but I climbed up. The rooftop looked amazing with the sun setting through the nearby trees. "We have to be quiet, there's people down there and I thought I saw a police car." Colby mentioned. We sat there and chatted for a while but decided to get moving before it got dark. We explored more boring rooms until we found one with dripping blood from the ceiling... I became weak and fell onto Colby with my arms around his neck, trying not to collapse... "Guys... That blood is still dripping so it has to be new. They may have hid a body in the attic? Let's get out of here!" Colby noticed I could barely walk as my head was dug into his chest and my legs looked weak and asked if I wanted him to carry me. I nodded and I jumped onto him with my legs wrapped around his waist. (Sam caught that on camera too) They decided just to run back to the previous building just as we heard mumbling and Sam jumped ahead of us. He closed the door of the room he was in and Colby brought me to the closest room where he sat me down on the window sill after wiping down the broken glass. "Colby..? What are you doi~" he stopped me by placing his soft lips on mine and I didn't dare argue. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entry so I let him and we got so lost in time we heard Sam walk in with the camera once again but he immediately shut the door as Colby pulled away and started laughing but reconnected us soon after. I slid off the window sill to stand but my knees became weak and Colby caught me and grabbed my waist
, leaving once again to make his mark on my neck just as Sam said "come on guys! Let's go! You're being so loud they probably heard you!" We opened the door and Sam began giggling outside as I began covering my neck and lifted the giant hood up over my head. We sprinted out as we heard coughing and I managed to hop the fence myself that time which impressed Colby and I winked as I noticed his obvious hard on. He blushed and tripped over the fence just as Sam pointed the camera at him we all laughed but soon returned to the car where I decided to go to the back and lied down, soon falling asleep on the long ride back to our apartment where Colby decided not to wake me and carried me up to my bed and stayed by my side. I woke up to him cuddling me and our legs intertwined. I was somehow dressed in some oversized, black sweatshirt and my comfy socks.

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