Couples costume

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7.5K READS! OMG YOU GUYS ARE UNBELIEVABLE I LOVE Y'ALL! Also I finally got Spotify (no, I haven't been living under a rock. I've been stuck in *full storage land*) and I'm listening to so much music. Also sorry for not updating.

I know it's not Halloween yet but it's like a month away so why not
Colby and I have been debating whether or not to wear a couples costume to the Halloween Party that Sam's organised. Sam is going as a devil and Kat is going as an angel so I think their idea was really cute and started searching for couples costumes. Colby isn't exactly thrilled about the idea but he said that I'd manage to convince him if I managed to find something good...

After like an hour of looking at photos online and on Instagram I decided on the classic zombie high school couple. Colby as a zombie jock and I of course would be a zombie cheerleader. Flawless, right?
Only that Corey and Devyn decided on that costume sooooo...
Elton and Amanda decided to go as Mickey and Minnie Mouse so with two days left till the party I decided to order a superwoman and superman set.

"What's this?" Colby asks as he opens the packaging for the costumes and I smile at him as he realises what it is.


It was finally time for the party and we tried it on, we looked amazing and were for sure gonna be the best couple there. As soon as we arrived everyone complimented our costumes and of course we won a prize for the best couples costume.

This is absolute crap but idk what to write and have no ideas so please leave suggestions. I know I'm not updating much and my content is going downhill but nobody is giving me suggestions so I'm probably gonna stop this story for now...

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