Grocey Shopping

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Hey guys, I'm super low on ideas still and been quite busy so updates will be extremely slow but thank you for all the reads!
(You, Sam and Colby are all roommates here)

"We have no food!" Colby puffs as he sticks his head out of the fridge. "We would if either of you could be bothered to go grocery shopping" I said with a stern look on my face, Colby just stood there innocently. "Uhh maybe you could take me now..? I never really know what to buy." I smile and ask Sam if we wanted to join us but he said he had a video to shoot so we headed off to Costco.

"Race you to the car!" He shouted but I didn't bother running because I had the keys so he couldn't get in the car anyway.

(Fairy dust brings you to Costco)

He ran in and started like a kid in a candy store while I took a trolley. I walked past all the fruit and veg, trying to ignore that Colby was waving a cucumber around pretending it was his penis.

He started throwing tomatoes in, one by one after failing to juggle them while I just stood and laughed, trying to get things we actually needed like potatoes and peppers. He was amazed at the amount of cheese they had, picking up and orange block with large letters on the label. "Hey, this one says Colby!!!" He hopped around and danced with the cheese so I eventually snatched it off him and put it in the basket along with grated mozzarella.

We got all the essentials and Colby decided to take the trolley, spinning around on it like a 5 year old in a daisy field. He lifted his feet up while running and the trolley nearly toppled onto him so I pushed him out of the way and ruined the toilet paper pyramid, running away before security saw it was us

"Can we get ice cream!?" He started at me with puppy dog eyes and I tried to resist temptation."pwetty pwease?" He pouted as I rolled my eyes and picked up some chocolate cones. "Go on then."

We got back into the car with around three large bags of shopping and the majority of it didn't even seem necessary. But honestly I was pretty sure thar Colby was putting chips, gum and chocolate in the trolley while I wasn't looking...

"Shopping is actually kinda fun with you." My hand was on the gearstick and his hand was now on mine, he had a gentle tone in his voice and that teeth grin was to melt for. I shook it off and took my hand away, putting the key in the car and driving off.

"Hey can we get McDonalds?" He pointed to one just up the road. "Well I guess Sam was meant to go out with Jake anyway so why not." I went through the drive through, ordering my normal and Colby seems to order twice the amount of food as me. I was shocked how someone could physically consume that much food.

I pulled up in the car park to eat and the sun started setting, nothing better than McNuggets and an orange sky, right? I noticed him looking at me while I shoved food in my mouth so we both burst out laughing. He put his finger on my chin and whispered "I didn't expect to have so much fun... or have the chance to be alone with you and do this." He leaned in and his lips tasting like salty chips while I still had nuggets stuffed in my nugget hole. I pulled away, stared at him and slowly put another nugget in.

"Oh god, why did I take you to McDonalds..."
We laughed and the sky slowly turned from purple to black while we drove home in a comfortable silence and his hand on mine.

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