Truth Or Strip

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OMG GUYS I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! 1K? I'm so happy that you guys are enjoying my story and need you guys to send me suggestions!

I was chilling with my best friends Sam and Colby while we were trying to think of an idea for their next YouTube video.
"Hey, why don't we play truth or strip..?" Sam asks with a slight smirk. I blush while Colby hesitates. "Y/n you don't have to play." I smile. "No, I'll play."

They set up their camera and start their intro. "Hey guys, today we're here with our best friend Y/n again!" Colby shouts at the camera, I flinch at the word 'friend'. "Today we're gonna be playing truth or strip!" Sam shouts with another small smirk on his face while we hear Aaron laughing at something upstairs.

(I'm making up the questions, I'm not gonna use the ones in the real videos)

"First question: Who was your first boyfriend?" Sam asks me. I hesitate at the question because I've been single all my life. I decide to take my shoes off. "Whoa, you can't even answer that? I don't know how you'll make it through this game..." He chuckles. "We can edit this bit out but why didn't you say it?" Colby asks. "I've never had a boyfriend..." I murmur. They both seem shocked.

I was currently left in my underwear and and my black ripped jeans while Sam sat in his sweatpants and Colby just in his boxers.
We end up asking eachother some random and embarassing questions until Sam decides to drop the bomb. "Y/n, do you like Colby..?"

My cheeks heat up and I start fidgeting, I awkwardly unbutton my jeans while Colby's face becomes flushed and Sam shouts "I KNEW IT!" I sit there, In my underwear and my arms crossed over my stomach. It was my turn to ask a question, I face Colby. "D-do you like m-me?" My voice was shaky. 'Damn it y/n! You stuttered!'

Colby stood up and gripped the waistband of his Calvin Klein boxers. I covered my eyes as he pulled them down and Sam laughed at how childish I was. "Happy
Now..?" Colby laughed. I opened my eyes to see him prancing around in front of the camera with Sam laughing his ass off. Colby turns around to face me and my face turns redder (if that was possible). He realised why and covered himself with his boxers which had been laying down beside the camera.

We get dressed and awkwardly do the outro. Colby and i's faces were still bright red and we avoided speaking to eachother for the rest of the day.

We were now sitting on the sofa watching a movie when I decide to go to bed. Not being bothered to put on my Pajamas, I just throw on an oversized shirt.

Soon footsteps are heard outside my door so I assume that Sam and Colby decided to go off to bed too until I feel a dip on the bed next to me. Soon bare arms are wrapped around my waist and I could tell it was Colby because of his cologne. He was only in his sweatpants but was radiating lots of heat. I shifted so I was facing him but buried my face in his chest. It was the best night ever.


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