He Makes Me Jelous

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OMG GUYS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 100 READS ALREADY! You guys are amazing and I hope you like my stories! (: Please send me suggestions!

Colby and I were going on a walk when we passed by an Ice cream truck in the park. "I'll go get us some ice cream baby, wait here." I nodded and sat down on a nearby bench when I hear some murmurs not too far behind me. "He's so hot!" The blonde haired, cake faced girl was nearly melting. "Let's go over and flirt with him!" The snooty ginger pointed towards Colby and before I could say anything to them, they had already ran off to the ice cream truck where Colby was. They started chatting and the girls became very touchy-freely but Colbs didn't seem to stop them...This made my blood boil as I watched the girls get more intimate with him, his face millimetres away from the ugly blonde. I'd had enough so I stormed over there and jumped on Colby's back. "Babes!" I screamed as I began kissing his neck from behind and the girls started to back off. "Oh, we didn't know you had a... Girlfriend." She hesitated with the last word and walked off with an annoyed expression, the other girls following not too far behind. "Jealous were we?" He smirked and turned his head to kiss me on the lips. I jumped off his back and wrapped my arms around his neck, his arms snaking around my waist. He picked me up bridal style and ran back home with me as I laughed all the way back.


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