LA Tour

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Haven't been updating because I've been busy and just out of ideas :/

Really wish I could go to the show ): Sadly I live in the UK so it's not happening but hope you enjoy this chapter:
"Sam and Colby are going on tour!" I squealed as I watched Colby's Instagram story. I clicked the link and saw the price of the tickets and was sure I couldn't afford them... I stared around the room until my eyes landed on my money jar, I hopped to my desk and started counting the money inside.

As I counted the last cents I realised I had just over the amount of money I needed for 2 tickets and got so exited as I booked the tickets for the LA show. I was gonna bring my best friend with me because although she didn't really like Sam and Colby she's always wanted me to meet them because she knows how much they've inspired me and wanted to be there for the moment as she knew I'd overreact. Also i'd have someone to take the pictures!

As the day of the show got closer I stared at Sam & Colby's Instagram story as it read that ALL of the roommates are coming to the LA show. I got so excited I kinda fell off my bed and nearly broke my laptop... I was honestly so happy that I'd be able to meet all my inspirations and the show felt like it was ages away, I just couldn't wait.

*Time skip brought to you by rare hot weather in Britain*

I had watched the show and it was legit just all of them being absolute weirdos and answering some questions but it was really fun, my best friend had to stop me from completely freaking out when I saw them. Now I was just waiting in line to get a picture and give them my Fanart with my Instagram account written on it that I had been working on for weeks because I just had to make it perfect. As I was about to go up to them I started freaking out and froze until my friend decided to push me into them, Colby held me in his arms as to stop me from falling over and as I looked up at him I caught butterflies. "UHHH sorry!" I stuttered as I got back into my feet.

Colby scratched the back of his neck while Sam just laughed and elbowed him in the side. "Umm... I uhh, painted you guys this..." I mumbled as I gave them the painting of them in their dust masks that I was actually quite proud of after all the work I had put into it. "Whoa, thank you!" "That's awesome!" They said which made me smile. I got my best friend to take a photo of me hugging them both until suddenly Colby kissed my cheek. My best friend quickly managed to take the shot and my cheeks turned bright red...

After the show I got home and checked my phone to see I had some DM's on my Instagram page. Most of them were other fan accounts asking me to tag the boys in their posts but one message stood out.

"Hey y/n, I saw you at the meet and greet and found your Instagram on the art you gave me and just wanted to find out some more about you." It read.
I literally screamed and threw my Phone!

Three month time skip

Since then Colby and I have become REALLY close and I'm hoping we end up dating soon because we've spent so much time with eachother. I can't believe this all started from the tour.

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