Spin The Bottle (Part 2)

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We blushed and everyone decided to end the game. I went to the bathroom and heard whispers outside the door.

"Dude she likes you! Just ask her out!" Sam said while running his hands through his hair. "I can't! She doesn't like me!" Colby was on the verge of shouting. "Were you in the room when you two kissed?" Sam said which made me slightly chuckle. "Bro, she kissed you back! If you don't do it, I will."

That's all I heard of the conversation so I decided to come out. Everyone was just sat on the sofa watching The Simpsons until Sam pulled me and Colby upstairs into my room and pushed us into the closet, locking it. "I'm not letting you two out until you tell eachother about your feelings!" Sam shouted from the other side of the door. "Dude this is crazy! Let us out!" Colby pounded on the door. "What the hell Sam!" "I'll be downstairs and I'll come get you after some episodes of The Simpsons!" I heard his running down the stairs and sniggering downstairs.

I leaned against the door with my back towards it and slid down to sit on the floor with my face in my hands. "What do we need to talk about?" I raise my head so Colby could hear me as I stood up. "Y/n... There's no other way to say this. I like you." My eyes widened and time stopped again. "W-will you be my girlfriend?" He slightly stuttered. I pressed our lips together as sparks flew and my arms went around his neck once again and we moved in sync. "Does that answer your question?" I giggled. He gently grabbed my chin and smashed his lips into mine once again.


His hands made it to my hips while his tongue entered my mouth. It explored every inch while I began lightly tugging on his hair and a small groan escaped his mouth. Surprised, I pulled away but his lips came into contact with my neck. He found my sweet spot and sucked on it which made it so much harder to contain my moans.

He bit down lightly which made me crack and a small moan escaped my lips as he smirked. His hand came up my crop top and the kiss deepened. Our bodies were pressed against eachother and something soon came in contact with my thigh. I looked down to see his bulge growing and a bigger smirk appeared on his face as he pushed me against the wall.

He made multiple love marks down my neck and my moans became more audible. I began making a love mark on his neck when he spoke, "Naughty y/n.. I wanna make you happy..." He said in a seductive voice, smirked and pulled off his shirt but the love mark I made was visible.

He began kissing down my neck again when the door flew open to reveal a shocked Sam and (Bff's name) standing there while Colby continued. "Colby!" I shouted and he looked up. "Uhh..." He started and scratched the back of his neck. "We'll leave you to it..." Sam smirked and closed the door.
*Pours holy water over your head*

God that felt wrong to write xD

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