Science Class

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Y/n POV:
"We are going to begin a project about renewable energy. You will have a week to complete this outside of school and you will be paired up." Everyone started to whisper to their desired teammate just as... "Before you run off to your friends, I will be pairing you up. B/f/n and Sam, f/n and Corey..."
After a long time I finally hear my name: "Y/n... And Colby" I jump at his name in surprise while he just looks over at me and smirks. "Really..? Colby out of all people..? I'm going to fail!" I sigh under my breath.
*Time Skip!*
At the end of the period Colby waves me goodbye but before walking off asks me if I could come over to his house after school to begin the project. (Of course I agree xD) And at the end of the day we meet up outside of school and begin walking through the park to get to his house. I didn't know where we were going so I concentrated on Colby and started daydreaming... I got snapped out of it when I felt a strong grasp on my hand as Colby smiled at me and began running towards the milkshake shop. Light pink dusted over my cheeks as he suddenly let go and asked me what I wanted. Of course I said (favourite milkshake flavour) and he ordered the same.
*Time Skip! Again...*
We finally got to his house and we set off to work with Colby making us some food and I begin the research. He places the (favourite food) on the table and he suddenly shuts my laptop. I stare at him in complete shock and as I try to speak I find myself blocked by something on my lips... I push Colby away. "What if your parents are home!?" So in awe of what just happened. "They've gone to my Aunt Cath's wedding... So we're all alone..." He whispered in my ear which sends a soft shiver down my spine as I find our lips reconnect, but I don't push him away. We find the kiss deepening and becoming more passionate by the second until he pulls away and laughs ever so slightly, beginning his research. "Come on, you can't just tease me like that!" I say as he just sniggers "Watch me." He whispered as he began kissing my neck back up to my lips as I push him over onto the sofa. "Eager are we..?" He laughs as I get up and begin walking away. He stared at me in complete shock as if I'd just flipped the table over and walked off. "What are you doing!?" He shouts. "Playing you at your own game." I shout as I wink and begin walking upstairs. He follows me with the laptops and food and we sit on his bed chatting for a while until we get back to the research.
*Yet another time skip*
I begin writing my fourth page of notes as I feel my hand becoming weak and my eyes starting to shut. "I fell asleep..?" I yawned as the sun was rising, finding myself curled up under a blanket being cuddled by no one other than Colby.

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