Chapter 25

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I found myself reading the article for the umpteenth time.I don't why,but I couldn't stop myself from reading it.I also don't know why did I ask the editor to forward the deleted article to me.I was never bothered about articles like these,but this time it involves my girl,my Annika.Maybe this is what love does to people,I've realised long back that I'm in love with this oddball of mine.But moments like these shows it's depth.I don't know how and when did I fall in love with her eccentric,weird nature.The way she's all matured one moment and a child the next.There's something so unique and exclusive about Annika,the girl who entered my life breaking my windshield.She is a literal storm,no,a tornado.I've got to know a lot about her since the past two weeks,her dedication towards her work,her stubbornness and the best of all is the way she approaches life.Be it any situation,she's so full of positivity.

Sometimes all I need is an assuring nod from her.I never knew that life could be so simple,how much ever tough or hectic the day would be,a simple smile from her is all it takes.Even though she have never told me how important I am to her,the look in her eyes when she's with me says it all.I didn't do it either,but still.How much ever clichè it may sound,but it feels like she has my entire self wrapped around her little finger and the best part is,I let her do that.This coming from a person who used to cringe by the name of romantic qoutes and novels is a big deal,isn't it?Not that I watch them now,I still find 'em overrated.Old habits die hard afterall!

I remember Annika telling me once that she likes it when I'm in my tadibaaz mode,that version of mine is her favourite and to never change myself.Albeit I may behave like a lover boy at times,I'm still the same person because love is not all about changing yourself,it's more of a accept-me-with-all-my-flaws thing.Yes,It's true that I wanna be a better person for her and that's because she deserves it and more.

I was so distracted by my thoughts that I completely forgot that Annika would be here any second and that I have a huge task in hand.All thanks to my 'Annika sensometer',like Rudra puts it as,which helped me break my reverie.I don't remember the last time I was so nervous,who am I even kidding,I'm never nervous.But now,it feels like all the nervousness that I've been missing all these years came flooding to me.This is what I was talking about,she has the potential to make me feel all kinds of emotion,and by all,I mean all!

I was so engrossed thinking about distracting her,that I forget to shut my macbook,digging my own grave.

The moment I felt her presence nearing,I went and opened the door for her with the sweetest smile,the best part is that I don't even have to fake a smile in front of her,it automatically forms on my face.

She arched an eyebrow before entering the cabin.Propping her bag on the coffee table,slumping against the couch placed in the corner and patted the place beside her for me.She's slowly getting comfortable and free with me these days."Such a tiring day!And this scorching heat!",she said.

That was when I realised that my MacBook's on and that it's got the article pdf in it.I quickly shifted my gaze to the Mahogany desk,which didn't go unnoticed by Annika."What is it,Shiv?",she asked with a nickname that she uses whenever she's happy,which infact indicates that she's happy!And there's no chance on earth that I'm gonna let her mood get spoiled by that stupid article.

I immediately slumped beside her and shrugged,'trying' to act normal.'Trying' being the key word here.In order to divert her attention,I grabbed her waist and made her sit on my lap and started caressing her hair pressing feather light kisses on her face."How was your day?",I asked in between my kisses.This not only helped me to distract her,but also helped me to get distracted.I should do this more often,I mentally noted.

She replied in between her giggles,"What's got into you today?Stop..your stubble is tingling".

"Really?",I ask making her giggle even more,which then turned into a full blown laughter.

That was when her phone rang,breaking our little moment.She got up from my lap in order to answer the call and started walking towards the clear view glass panel,her favourite place to stand when attending a call.I abruptly stood up and stood behind her,acting as a barrier between the laptop screen and her.Without letting her turn around,I wrapped my hand around her waist,keeping my chin on her shoulder."Annika,you know that you're important to me,right?Like really really important.And nothing should come between or affect our relationship,this beautiful thing that we share",I poured my heart out once she was done talking to Sahil on the phone.

She cupped my face which was on her shoulder with one hand and placed the other one holding her phone on my hand around her waist."What's wrong Shivaay,you look disturbed.",she asked with a voice filled with concern.

Instead of answering her question,I just smiled."Promise me that you'll always be there for me,no matter what the world says or thinks,nothing should come between you and I".

"Yes Shivaay,I promise you.I'll always be there for you.",the way she said that did something to my heart,like a kind of relief washed through me.Not that I didn't know that she would be there for me,but hearing it from her is different and soothing.

"Now will you please tell me what's the matter,you're worrying me.",she said withdrawing her hand before swiftly turning around,facing me.

I simply placed a kiss on her forehead before smiling."Everything's perfect,now that you're here with me.Isn't this being a bit too mushy?",I asked pulling her closer.

"Don't you dare try to divert the topic,what is it?Tell me.",she asked being the stubborn head that she is.

"What?I'm not diverting anything,ok?You're the one who is tryna spoil my mood.You do it all the time Annika.Will you please let me concentrate on things which I should be concentrating on right now?",I said with a smirk.It's so much fun pulling her leg,and like expected,a blush crept on her face.

"Urgg!Is that all you think about? track mind!",she said wriggling out of my hold.

Before I could do anything,she was already standing in front of the monitor which had photos of us,reading the same exact thing which I never wanted her to!


Hola lovelies!
I know it's been soooooo long since I've updated.I hope you all remember the storyline!hehe!

Chapter dedicated to all those amazing people who've pinging me for an update with the sweetest of sweetest words.I love you all💕


Lots of love!❤

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