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Jen. ~edited~

"That was amazing mom and dad thank you for taking us out!" I cheered from the back, obviously annoying my older sisters Amanda and Karri.  

"Ugh stop poking me Jen your 18 now!" Karri said. Man I loved the sound of it. 18 now. 

"CUS IT'S MA BIRTHDAY BABY!! WHOO!" I screamed in her ear! 

"Whatever just start acting like it. Moooom make her stooooop poking meeeee!!! When will we be hoooome?!" Karri whined. You know, for being the older one, she sure whined a lot, but she looked her age. Her long blonde hair always a little curly, and bright blue eyes shining out at everyone she sees. And then there's Amanda, the prettiest out of us three, loooong dark brown black hair, and eyes to match, but she was the quiet one. I, as you can tell, am the loud one. I looked just in the middle of them. I have medium wavy golden and brown hair, light brown eyes, but everyone says I have the face ok Karri. 

"Karri we'll be home in a few min-HONEY LOOK OUT FOR THAT-" And that's all we heard before our car flipped.  

"Oww my head! And did someone spill the leftover soy sauce because..." I looked down. Soy sauce wasn't red. "MOM? AMANDA? KARRI? DAD?" I saw each one of them, pale, not moveing, lifeless... I was the only one left. I climbed out of the car calling for help. "PLEASE HURRY! DONT LET THEM BE- 


"GONE!" I screamed, sitting up in my bed, my cheeks stained with tears. Another dream of what happened last month on my 18th birthday, a day I never want to remember. 'Your an adult now Jen. That's why the house is yours' I thought to myself. I got out of bed and slid on my JACK WILLS jacket and put on my navy TOMS. I needed to go out for a bit. The brisk London air hit me like that car hit u-- uhh I mean like a ton of bricks. Since it was 3 am I just let everything out because no one would see me cry, at least I thought. Of course with just my luck, a giant red bus broke down right in front of my drive way. 'shit' I thought, 'now I have to go help them looking like a mess with puffy panda eyes. Just as I stood up I saw 5 boys who looked my age get off. "Of course, they had to be cute," I muttered,"Can I help you lads out?" They seem familiar... 

"Hi, we're One Direction" they said in unison. 

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