Fudgy Monkey XTreme ice cream night with a chick flick and onsies

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~Jen's POV~

Caroline spots me and Harry says something to her and she shouts while still looking at me," OH I LOVE YOU TOO HAZZYWAZZY!" God he is such a player, just 5 min ago be was goin on about loving me. I started to cry and I ran out in tears and Harry turned and saw me running out. He tried to run after me but I watched Cougarline pull him back and kiss him. I ran even harder but bumped into someone.

"Sorry-wait Danielle?" I asked while helping her up.

"Yeah aren't you Jen? Liam said we could have some girl time thank god there's another girl!" She said smiling sweetly. She's so nice Li better keep her.

"Yeah you can stay the night at my flat. Are you going on tour with them too? I do NOT want to be stuck on a bus with 5 boys!"

"Uh-huh! I was hoping you were too I was thinking the same thing! Wait babe why were you crying?"

"Harry, h-he kissed that cougar again." was all I could choke out. Dani pulled me in for a hug.

"Hey, shh, let's go to the store and get some movies and two tubs of he most fattening chocolate ice cream there and then head back to your place. And if you need to talk to me again after I'll be staying in LiLi's flat."

"Thank you Dani." I was truly grateful. This would be a good friendship.

*That Night*

"Liar!!" we both shouted at the same time to the screen when he boy said he would always love her. We both started to laugh. We got Chunky Fudgy Monkey XTreme because it had the most calories. As a joke even though he wasn't here, we used forks instead of spoons. It was 1 am and we both had on matching onsies when there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Danielle said, taking the ice cream with her,"Uhh Jenners I think you might want to see this."

Who would be there at 1 am? I took my ice cream with me too and walked over and saw Harry and Liam. Dani and Liam kissed, Harry took a step back.

"Good thing we used forks!" Danielle and I said again at the same time causing us all except Harry to laugh.

"I'm here Harry I got the address!" I heard down te hall. Liam's eyes got big and he walked quickly inside.

"Here I am Harrywarry!" Caroline. Flack. Now knows my address and is standing outside my door. She gave Harry a kiss. He was kissing back. Cougarline pushed in and Harry followed. We spent the whole night finishing the movie while dani and Li fed each other their ice cream. At one point both couples were snogging and I just sat there uncomfortably.

"Okay since I don't have a hot boyfriend to snog on my couch with and I'm just kinda sitting here I'm going to go to sleep. Thanks Danielle and good to see you Liam. And those two, make sure they don't go into a bedroom. Li and Dani I have a guest room with a queen that you can use, right across from my room. Goodnight." I said, with that I left, tears in my eyes, that Harry is with her after what he told me. Note to self, never love Harry again. Check.

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