Ch 7 well it's actually...

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Jen. ~edited~

"OKAYIWASABUSEDBYMYFATHERGROWINGUPASACHILD OKAY!?!?" I blurted out, hoping they wouldn't understand me. Sadly they all did as their mouths hung open in shock. Leave, run. They hate you now, my voices spoke as I ran upstairs to the kitchen in tears.


"Jen, go hide dad's going to be here soon and he's not in a good mood!" Amanda whisper-shouted scared as hell. 

Bu it was too late because I saw dad enter my room with his belt coming down on my back taking out my breath. "!" I tryed to say only to have dads small sized bat come down on my arms leaving ugly blob shaped scars. It had only been two days since he last did this. I shook in fear at the evil man towering above me on my bed.

"I heard Daddys girl got a B on her report card..we can't have that anymore." His words slurred as he raised his belt again.


"JEN?! JEN WHERE ARE YOU?" I heard their voices shout. Hide, they hissed. I quickly went into my hidey hole where even dad couldn't find me. There was a crevice where a cabinet was supposed to be placed. A cloth hung over it, sheilding my body. Run. I saw Harry's shadow pass me as I grabbed my keys from the table and ran for the door. 

"JEN WAIT!" Start the car start the car! I frantically pulled out and drove as fast as I could to town. I just needed to get out. The voices only get worse when I don't listen to them. When I looked in the rear view mirror I saw Harry in the middle of the road, a single tear running down his face. 'Ignore it Jen, you learned not to have feelings' I thought. I hit the windshield wipers because everything was wet and blurry but then I realized that it was my eyes from crying. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. My phone lit up as I stopped at a traffic light. Wow 5 new messages...someone's popular today, I sarcastically think to myself. Wait 5...ugh.

Come back love. Harry x

Babe where are you? Louis Xx    ooh two x's you're soo special. No, they mocked me.

Vas Happened? :( Zayn      how classy. 

where did you go turkey leg? :'( Niall    great food reference Niall. 

Do you want to talk about it Jen? I can meet you in starbucks in half hour without the lads? :) Liam x     that was the only one I replied to.

Yeah thanks Liam, sure. And how did you guys get my number? Jen x

Only seconds after I got a reply: You left it on the fridge for emergencies. Niall found it in search of nutella :) see you soon love! Liam Xx

He's such a gentleman, like the father I never got...but there I was half an hour later sitting there in Starbucks waiting for Liam when suddenly I heard a big explosion and everything went dark for me.

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