Ch 9 always a catch

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Zayn. ~edited~

"HARREH? HAAAARRRREEEEEEEEHHHHHH?????" I shouted, which got me looks like maybe I should be in one of the mental rooms getting tests done myself. Don't be hatin'.

"Over here mate," said the unmistakable voice from the corner, "how is she?"

"The lads are trying to find ways to make her remember but I'm not sure wether it's wo-" I get cut off by a scream.

"YEEEEEESSSSS!!!!!!!! HARRY! ZAYN! IT'S WORKING!" Came the shouts of the boys. One look between me and Harry and we took off running.


This is a wierd clip, wait that's me. I look good. Almost..older? That's my basement! That's the boys! I remember them! Do you remember us darling? I hear their taunting voices.

"I remember!" I said with a giant grin on my face followed with shouting and large hugs.

"We came when we heard the shou-" Harry bursts in the door.

"Harry I remember!!!!" I cut him off which he didn't seem to care as he gave me a dazzling smile and a big hug. But when he hugged me, Louis's grip on my hand tightened. Talk about awkward...

"So when is she aloud to leave?" Niall asked the doctor who had entered with Zayn.

"You guys can leave today BUT I want her in full watch for the next 48 hours." Her voice was calm yet firm. I gave her a thankful smile in return.

"I'll watch her tonight in her bed!" Harry and Louis shouted at the same time getting a laugh from everyone else.

"I think ill stay with Liam because I want ZERO funny business. Kay?" I stare at both of the boys who look as if they were young boys who got scolded in class. I think it was a good idea's Liam!
"I'm cool with staying with Jen longer until our bus gets f-" Liam is cut off mid sentence as his phone rings. Uh oh what have we done now? I shudder.

"Hello?-Yeah-oh...-no I'm fine really-ok well we'll see you soon then-bye."

"Who's on the phone Li?" I ask him, confused by his tone.

"Boys...our bus is fixed."

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