A lot more than you think can happen in six months

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A/N I'm so happy! This was my first story and it's almost the end! Yes it's almost over! Thank you all so much for being so nice and reading it! :') the next two chapters will be the last :''')))) I love you guys!

-Jen x

*6 months later*

~Jen's POV~

The boys had to leave the day after I became friends with Lou again in my flat. They've been gone 6 months in America for tour! I wasn't aloud to go, only professional openers could go. I missed them like mad but after 4 months I lost contact with them. Literally none of them answered my texts, calls, anything. It's really wierd but here I am in the airport waiting to see them. They made the music video for wmyb, it was awesome but he was a little too close to the main girl for my liking. I sat next to a young teen girl, who was watching the behind the scenes for their music video. I smiled but then something caught my attention. Lou was saying on the video that Harry was in love with the main girl and Harry was blushing trying to make him not say it. This was made when they lost contact. Was he cheating on me? My thoughts were interrupted when I heard screams from girls. The boys were here. They saw me and I walked up to Harry with a fake smile. He opened his arms and I stood there. I let my scowl come out and I smacked him. I heard Liam say," yep she saw it."

"You bet your arse I saw it! How Harry! How could you.." I said. The paps were filming and had been snapping photos. This would be everywhere tomorrow. Oh. Well.

"I'm sorry." harry whispered.

"No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I trusted you for 6 months and even when we lost contact. I'm sorry I ever loved you." I started cryin and ran to my car. Paps were following me and calling out stuff.


"Yes now go away!" I said crying



I quickly drove off as they ran back to the boys in the airport.

~Harry's POV~

I watched her run off. But I did nothing. My legs couldn't move and I just collapsed to my knees and started to cry. I cried over a girl. The papparazzi have been filming this whole thing and it would be out for sure tomorrow. She was gone, and the last I would see of her was her running out and crying because of me.

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