Extra olives

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~Harry's POV~

I can't believe that Caroline is blackmailing me. She's threatening to tell reporters I was doing drugs offstage if I don't be her boyfriend in front of Jen. I told Liam and I think Dani knows too. They never keep secrets. If only they would tell Jen! Wait a minute. Caroline was asleep and I snuck into the guest room where they were at.

"Pssst *pokes face* Pssst liiiiaaaam *pokes face*" I said trying to wake him up.

"Bloody hell shut up Harry!" Danielle said while snuggling into Liam. I chuckled. Then I smacked Liam's cheek. That woke him up and he wouldnt be able to yell at me due to everyone sleeping. Yay!

"God what is it Harry?" Liam whispered gently getting out of bed trying not to wake Dani up.

"I want you to tell Jen how I'm being blackmailed by Caroline."

~Jen's POV~

"I want you to tell Jen how I'm being blackmailed by Caroline." I heard Harry say through the wall. I just woke up and that was the first thing I heard. I went into the spare room and asked," did you call my name?" they exchanged glances.

"Jen, all of us, including Hazza, do not like Caroline. Harry is being blackmailed by her to pretend to be dating her." Liam said.

"Extra olives..." I heard Dani say in her sleep. We silently laughed.

"Aww..." Liam said under his breathe. They are so cute!


"Yes Jen I do not like Caroline. I like-Louis?"

"WHAT?!" I whisper screamed

"Nono I just got a text from Lou. I was trying to say I like you but I got interrupted by Louis." Harry explained.

"Ohhh..." I felt VERY relieved to hear that.

"Yeah." he started to blush

"Aww Harry your blushing!" Li said laughing and pinching his cheeks causing him to blush even more.

"Do you want to go to my room and talk?" I asked because Li was tired and I didn't want to wake up Danielle.

"Sure" he said. We walked into my room and I flopped onto my bed and he nervously sat on he corner.

"You know that charm bracelet I gave you at Christmas was what I tried to give you at the London eye..."

~Harry's POV|

"This?" she asked holding her arm out. She was wearing it! I knew she wore the same bracelet everyday but it was the one I got her!

"Yeah that's it"

"I really like it thank you Harry" she said coming over to give me a hug. "oh yeah, happy birthday." she whispered right into my ear and nibbled it before pulling her head back. Damn tease now I'm hard! She noticed and giggled at me. I blushed again.

"And what did you happen to get me?" I whispered right at her neck because two could play that game and I am definatly not flat in my pants right now. She got goosebumps.

"I got you this onsie" she said taking it off. Damn sweet baby Jesus happy birthday to me! And the rest of the night things were pretty DEEP between us if you know what I mean ;)

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