3- The Meeting (E)

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Following the conversation with Tony a week prior, he decided to enroll Thea in Mid-Town with no hesitation. She would still go by original name Thea Quinton since no one knows who she was. Although Thea was adopted by Tony, one of the most famous men in the world, this wasn't public news. Tony wanted to keep her adoption under wraps. Any news coverage of Thea getting adopted by the Tony Stark would ensure her a life of living hell. There would be people that would make it their life's goal to find her and searching everywhere for her backstory. This meant that eventually, someone would find her affiliation with the orphanage and her time on the streets. Tony couldn't let that happen to her. But in addition to Tony enrolling her, he also thought it was a good idea to get Thea an apartment in Queens. So that she was closer to school so it wouldn't look as suspicious when she would have to walk into the Stark tower every day. The apartment, however, was very empty at the moment and didn't feel like home yet. Thanks to this little factor Thea forgot to set up the alarm for the next morning, the first day of her high school experience. She only woke up just in time because Tony decided to call her to check in.

The continuous ringing of a call coming in shook Thea from her deep sleep. She slowly opened her eyes and glanced around her room to find the source of the ringing before her eyes landed on her phone laying next to her. She picked up the phone and squinted at the bright screen now assaulting her eyes. Thea looked at the phone, the familiar face of Tony on the lock screen. She pushed the accept button on the bottom of the phone and placed it up to her ear. The sharp voice of Tony speaking on the other end of the call.

"Hey kiddo, are you already on your way to school?"

Thea pulled back her phone to glance at the time and audibly cursed once she realized how late it was. School started at 8:10 and as of right now it was 7:50. Thea put her phone back to her ear to hear Tony blabbering on about how proud he was of her. "Look, Tony, I got to go, call you later!" Thea exclaimed.

In a rush, Thea hung up the call and jumped out of bed and ran to her closet by the door. She rummaged through the closet for a minute and picked out a sweater and a pair of leggings to go with it. Wasting no time Thea ran out of her bedroom and into the bathroom. She brushed her hair so fast and reckless, that chunks of her hair came out with the brush. She then brushed her teeth vigorously, went back to the living room, picked up her backpack and left out the front door.

Thea ran down to the elevator on her 7th-floor apartment, but waiting for the elevator seemed to take too long. So Thea ran down to the stairs. She ran down the stairs so fast that it seemed like she was missing a couple of steps; practically flying down the steps to the ground floor. But taking such huge steps at a time failed her because on the 2nd to the last step in the staircase she tripped over her own leg and fell down to the floor. Thea closed her eyes, waiting for the impact of the ground but was surprised to feel something else under her. She opened her eyes, surprised to see a boy, about the same age as her, underneath her. In utter shock, Thea gripped slightly to the surprised boy's shirt. Underneath her hands, Thea could feel taut muscles. Thea shook her mind from the feeling of his chest and apologized to the unknown kid in front of her while standing up. Her hands brushed off the dirt that was now clinging to her pressed clothes. "I'm just running really behind and I have to get to school for my first day."

The nervous boy spoke with a quiver in his voice. "N-no problem really, I'm just glad I was here so you didn't have to fall down the flight of stairs and injure yourself more." He had gelled back brown hair with a hint of curls coming through. His face was flushed with color and his deep brown eyes widened. "I am also running quite behind myself." The boy confided in her. "I'm P-peter, Peter Parker." Thea looked Peter up and down, her eyes gliding over his chest. Her mind immediately thought about how attractive this boy she just fell on was. He was a nerdy type of teenager that would never strike up a conversation with a girl.

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