22- The Father-Daughter Bonding Time (E)

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Thea had heard of the accident in Lagos from the news. She was shocked to hear that Wanda was responsible for destroying a building with civilians in it. Wanda was currently being hounded by the media and Thea couldn't blame them. The media only wanted to know if they were safe from her and any other potential danger, but that didn't make it right for them to make her feel like she was the one in danger. Thea had also heard from the news about the UN meeting in three days to discuss a new proposition for the Avengers. A new way for the Avengers to work under a single organization, like the UN, and not for themselves. This would be a huge trouble for people like Wanda and Thea.

Thea could understand why they would do this, but she wanted them to realize the consequences of it. How this could backfire anyway they turned it.


Thea woke up from a facetime from Tony. Reluctantly, she clicked the green accept button, her eyes were still adjusting to the new light source. She put on her best fake smile as Tony's face popped onto her screen.

Tony was the first to talk, "Hey kiddo, how's it going?" His overly cheerful voice did not at all match what was happening with the team.

"Hi Tony," Thea said through practically clenched teeth; she was still smiling though.

All of a sudden his whole demeanor changed, "I assume you heard what happened? Some bad stuff happened."

Thea dropped her facade by letting go of her smile and speaking up, "Yeah I heard on the news... Something happened with Wanda right?"

Tony sighed, "Yeah, she put herself in a bad place." He looked even more stressed than usual, Thea could tell by the look in his eyes. He looked drained of all joy and showed it greatly. "So I assume you've also heard about the accords happening soon too," Tony said.

Thea sat up from her bed and walked over to the kitchen, where she pulled out a box of cereal. "I only heard the bare minimum of it all though." Thea pulled out a bowl and milk and poured the cereal in the bowl.

"I might need to bring you back in Thea, things aren't looking so good right now. Especially for people like-"

"What," Thea interrupted, setting down her bowl rather harshly, "you mean people like me? People who have powers that they can't wish to control." Her emotions began to spike while saying this.

This didn't faze Tony, "You know what I mean."

"I'm not sure I do Tony," Thea said harshly.

"You have powers, that's true, but you know how bad it can get when you're not in your right mind," Tony said.

Thea set down her phone on the countertop and pulled open a drawer where she kept her silverware. The drawer slid open with a metallic crash; silverware knocking into each other. Thea reached in, pulled out a clean spoon and plopped it into the bowl, milk splashing slightly, landing on the countertop.

"So you're saying I'm not in my right mind... " Thea paused, "That-that I'm some sort of monster you find in a horror movie."

This took Tony back, "No, you're twisting my words! I'm just saying we all need to be more careful when it comes to our own strengths and weaknesses."

"Whatever," Thea sighed out, "what else did you need?" she asked Tony while walking over to the tv with her cereal in hand. Thea sat herself down on her modern, beige couch and dug around for the remote before she found it underneath a pillow.

"I need you to come over to the tower today, I have things we need to discuss," Tony stated seriously.

"And these things are too important to speak over the phone?" she questioned. Thea pointed the remote at the TV and pushed the power button, causing the TV to light up and fully turning on.

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