5- The Mission (E)

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During Thea's conversation with Peter and Ned about superheroes, one thought came to her mind. She needed to find Spider-Man, the only reason she was even at school. The reason she met Peter and Ned.

There was a slight chance that Thea would stumble upon Spider-Man on her own, but it wasn't guaranteed. It could take weeks for her to even spot him, let alone find out his identity. She needed a plan. Something that would make sure she would interact with him. Maybe even find out who he is in a short period of time.

The only plan was to become a damsel in distress. A plan that Thea despised. Even though the plan could backfire, it was the only option she had in order to find Spider-Man in a short period of time.

Waking up on a Friday morning used to be great, that was before Thea went to school. Nowadays it's hell, she has to wake up at ungodly hours to get ready and get an education that she will most likely never use again.

Thea woke up with a yawn and got ready for the school day by putting on a pair of black ripped jeans, a thin white sweater, a black jacket, and black converse. Thea walked to the small kitchen and brewed her daily cup of coffee and toast some bread. She began to make her way out the door, backpack slung over her shoulders and her meal in her hand.

It became a routine, wake up, get ready, and walk to school with Peter. Because Peter and Thea lived in the same complex just on different levels, they both thought it would be beneficial to walk together. Over time Peter became less and less frantic when it came to talking to me, but today we seemed to go in the opposite direction.

Thea walked down the stairs to meet Peter who always waited for her right by the exit.

"Hey Pete," Thea said the new nickname she gave him, "sorry for taking so long; I did a little more today than usual," Thea announced, her chest heaved slightly from the trek down the stairs.

"I-um no problem, just glad I didn't have to leave you," he stammered.

Thea could never find out what was up with Peter on days like this. The first day Thea had met him, he was like this and now today too.

"You okay Pete?" Thea asked nervously. "You seem sick; you're all red."

"No-no, no need to worry, I'm just tired from running," Peter said.

"Oh okay then, just be careful, we wouldn't want you to die on us now would we." She said laughing.


It was after school ended that Thea decided to put the plan into action. She told Peter that she couldn't walk home today because she had to pick up a bunch of stuff at the store for dinner tonight. Begrudgingly, he accepted this and told Thea to be careful because Queens is dangerous at night. Thea knew this of course, but it didn't stop her from smiling when Peter told her this. Thea knew she still had to be careful with all of this, even though she can definitely take care of herself. One wrong move and Thea could scare away Spider-Man.

Thea moved behind a store in the 'bad' part of Queens, hoping to find trouble. The only thing is that she wouldn't know if Spider-Man was saving that part of the city today, so if he wasn't, Thea would be screwed. As Thea turned the corner into the dark alley, she heard the heavy breathing of two men behind her.

"Hey girlie, what are you doing in a place like this?" The man with alcohol ridden breath said to her.

"Not dealing with you that's for sure, move or else." Thea put up a tough act.

"Come on now, don't be so rude, we just wanna have fun, don't we Bobby." The other man, Bobby, nodded in agreement.

Thea immediately went into survival mode once they slowly began their way towards her. She clenched her fists closed, stopping any mist from forming unknowingly in her palms. As soon as they came within reach of Thea, she ran down the damp and dark alley. The two men quickly made their way to Thea and reached her at the dead end of the alley. They pulled Thea back by the strap of her backpack. The sudden force caused Thea to get thrown to the ground next to the men.

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