36- The Search (E)

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Following Tony's explanation of Thea and how to find her, Peter took it upon himself to search up as much as he could on dark matter. The faint clicking of Tony's keyboard in the background seemed to relax Peter and calm him. Peter clicked a link on his phone title, "The History of Dark Energy." Although Peter was reading up about this topic, he couldn't help but feel a presence lurking behind him. Sharply, he pivoted around on his heels to come face to face with Natasha. Peter jumped back slightly at the new face staring back at him with intensity. 

"What-uh- what are you doing?" Peter stammered out, backing up slightly. 

"Just making sure you were doing anything harmful to our rescue mission," Natasha spoke.

Peter nodded slowly in acknowledgment. An awkward silence ensued and Peter tried to release the tension by asking, "Hey, aren't you technically wanted by the government? Why aren't you in hiding?" Peter raised his eyebrows and stared at Natasha. 

"Tony needed my help and I came, simple as that." Natasha retorted. 

Peter looked at her in confusion and opened his mouth to speak out but was interrupted by Tony. Tony' s continuous typing and clicking ceased as he shouted out to Peter and Natasha, "I got something!"

Both Peter and Natasha looked over at Tony and quickly made their way over to him to see what he had found. Peter's eyes grazed the bright screen as Tony explained what he got.

"I managed to narrow down the search area to the east side of Poland. But in order to track her down further, we will have to wait until she uses her powers again." Tony explained.

"But that could be months from now!" Peter exclaimed. "For all we know, Thea could already be dead or dying!" Peter's eyes grew wide with his shouting. But he quickly grew silent when Tony proclaimed back.

"You think I don't know that already!? I'm just as worried for Thea as you are Parker! But it's out of our hands!" Tony's face became a slightly redder tone as he finished shouting. A vein popped out of his forehead, Tony sighed a deep breath and relaxed his shoulders that were scrunched up. Tony turned his head to glance out of the tinted window, staring into the setting sun, he said, "We should get a nights rest, it's getting late. The most we can do now is wait."

Peter stared at Tony in disbelief as Tony walked away from him. Natasha began to follow Tony but stopped in the middle and looked over her shoulder at Peter. 

"You know...he's right. We can't do anything more." 

"I refuse to believe that, he's acting like he's given up already," Peter said. 

Natasha looked at Peter for another second before she turned back around and followed Tony. Peter looked back at the same computer that Tony used to track Thea. His eyes followed the small blinking that appeared every couple of seconds, the blinking light that showed Thea was alive. Peter then pulled up a chair and sat down in front of the blinding screen.

 Peter then pulled up a chair and sat down in front of the blinding screen

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