31- The Other Super (E)

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Peter woke up in a haze from his place on the ground. His hand rose to his head in an effort to calm the continuous pounding in his skull. Using this other hand to slowly sit himself up, he looked around at the now trashed apartment he was in. Thea's apartment. In one rapid movement, Peter shot up from his place on the ground, and whipped his head around, desperately trying to find any sign of Thea. In the entirety of the now ruined apartment, there was no sign of Thea. She was gone. Presumably taken by the same men that fought and won against Peter.

"Shit!" Peter cursed out in the empty apartment. He rose both his hands to his head and pulled back his hair aggressively. With his hands still in his hair, Peter began to pace back and forth in the living room. Glass and debris hitting his leg with every step. One item that hit his leg that caught his attention was none other than Thea's cell phone lying face down on the ground. Peter shakily bent down and grasped the metal item in his hands. He flipped the phone over in his hands and pressed the tiny side button, the phone powering on with the push. 

The bright light shone in the dark room with the phone now on.

Peter squinted down at the shining phone while his eyes adjusted to the new light source. Once they did adjust Peter immediately saw the background. Which was of Thea and Peter, standing in front of the football track. Thea was smiling sweetly at the camera and Peter was smiling so hard, his mouth looked like it would rip. Peter remembered that day, it was the second week Thea was here. She wanted a picture to remember her high school experience by and Ned graciously agreed to take one of her in front of the football track. 

"Thank you so much, Ned!" Thea exclaimed. Peter stood by with his arms crossed, shifting his weight from one foot to the other awkwardly.

"Hey, Peter!" The call shook Peter out of his daze. Thea was smiling softly at Peter, waiting for his response.
Peter uncrossed his arms stared over at Thea.

Thea sighed and walked over to Peter, who was standing still for the entire time. Thea came and placed her hand on Peter's wrist and pulled him over. "Come on Peter, I want a picture with you too."

"I really don't think that's a good ide-"
"No but's Peter, you're taking a picture with me and that's final," Thea said while looking straight forward and dragging the unwilling party with her.

Thea let go of her vice grip, only to have it replaced on his shoulders. She positioned him around and decided that he was in a good place for the photo.

Thea let go of his shoulders and grabbed his waist while Peter awkwardly placed his hands on her shoulders.
Peter looked down at Thea, who was already posing for the shot and smiled sweetly at her before he looked up at Ned, ready to take the picture and smiled.

Peter smiled down at the photo and thought it was sweet that this photo was her lock screen. But he quickly shook his head and realized the position that he was in. Thea was missing and he had no idea what to do. He could just go to the police and explain that his friend had been kidnapped by random people because she was Dark Matter. They would surely place him in a mental hospital.

Peter swiped the screen of the phone, efficiently unlocking her phone. Good thing she didn't have a password, otherwise, he would spend the entire night trying to figure it out. Peter looked at the bottom of her screen and clicked on the icon that said 'Contacts'. A short list of names popped up. Names like Nat, Bruce, and Clint for instance. With weird and funny nicknames attached to them. Nat's nickname was Russian Mother. Bruce was Jolly Green Giant (trademarked). And Clint was Bullseye.

One familiar name that he saw was Tony Stark, otherwise known as Rocket-powered Ass on Thea's phone. Peter clicked on his contact and saw his phone number attached to it. With no hesitation, he pressed his phone number that popped up a calling screen. Peter placed the phone to his ear and waited while the phone rang. The constant ringing in his ear reminded him of his time running out. 

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