6- The Duty (E)

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She felt something In Spider-Man's arms that she never felt anywhere else, not even with the Avengers. She felt comfort. Even though she just met him, he saved her and she knew she would repay him.

"We are almost to your apartment; you'll be okay there right?" He questioned. "I mean you have someone who will help you?" he backtracked his question.

Thea answered this as they landed on the fireplace outside the apartment. "No, but I'll be fine taking care of myself. I've been doing it all my life, I think I can manage this night too." Spider-Man gently released her from his grasp and she stepped down onto the fire escape grate floor.

"You mean that you live here alone? You have no family with you?" Spider-Man looked shocked at this statement.

"What are you suggesting Spider-Man?" Thea questioned with a wink. Spider-Man sputtered out nonsense before Thea shook her head and smiled.

Thea paused for a moment before she spoke. "I mean, I guess I have been alone my whole life in a way," Thea said sadly, looking down and her shoes to avoid the awkward eye contact. "I have a guardian that comes by occasionally to make sure I'm fine, but I think since I joined Mid-Town I'm not alone anymore."

"Why, what's different with Mid-Town?" he asked, leaning forward as if this could get the answer out faster.

"It's because of the people at Mid-Town; I finally have friends that I have always wanted." She confessed. "People like my friends Peter and Ned really help me, even if they don't know it." Thea smiled slightly. Spider-Man looked away at this comment, out at the skyline of the city.

"Well...I'm glad you have friends who you like so much," Spidey muttered. "I-I have to go now," he stuttered and tripped over his own feet when trying to leave. Sensing the tension, the masked man looked back at Thea in sorrow and gingerly touched her neck wound. Thea hissed at this interaction and Spider-Man then quickly pulled his gloved hand away and shot out a web, ready to leave.

"Please be careful next time, I can't risk you being hurt." He said, looking away from Thea and out at the skyline of the city. Right before he shot away Thea grabbed his arm, making sure to ask one more question before he left. Squeezing his arm, Thea asked curiously, "Who are you?" Her eyebrows furrowed and her forehead creased in confusion. He smiled at this question, even though it was under his mask, Thea could still tell it was genuine. "You'll just have to find out yourself Thea." At this he yanked on his web, protruding from a device on his wrist, and swung away. Thea climbed into her apartment feeling relieved that he didn't answer, but also confused.

Once Thea got into her room she got a call, the name Tony Stark flashed on the screen. She hadn't talked to Tony in over a week since she started this mission. Thea put the call on speaker and answered. Over the static of the call she heard Tony say, "Hey kid, long time huh."

"Hi Tony, and it's only been a week since we had seen each other. It's not the end of the world." She added sarcastically.

"I'm checking in to see how you are doing and if you found anything," Tony said.

"Thanks for that but so far nothing has come up. This kid is very well hidden; he doesn't show up until that last possible moment and then leaves as soon as he's done." Thea added onto the information by saying, "I only met him once and that only made things worse for me."

"Well hopefully you can find him soon cause everyone at the tower misses you kid," Tony said endearingly. Thea assumed that he didn't hear about her meeting Spider-Man once already, otherwise he would be practically yelling at her.

"I hope I do to Tony, I miss everyone. Tell everyone I miss them too and I'll come back as soon as possible."

"Alright will do kid, see you soon," Tony concluded.

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