4- The Friendship (E)

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The continuous dread of the cycle of classes kept popping up in Thea's mind. Her mind was already chock full with missions, but now, Thea had to worry about what to do for homework and how to study.

Thea sighed, her eyes followed the same path they had a million times before and glanced down at the time on her phone. 11:59 it read. As soon as Thea read that, the bell rang, signaling the end of yet another period. Thea exited her classes, backpack full and heavy with books. She looked around at the quickly crowding halls before she searched for her schedule tucked away in her binder. She looked at her schedule that she got from her first period, the one with her friends, Peter and Ned. The next period was....'lunch'. Thea sighed a feeling of relief to herself. Thea didn't even understand half the material taught in the classes. But she still tried her best with it all.

Thea walked out of her last classroom, World History with Mr. Fischer, and immediately set her sights on her new locker. Her locker was next to the Physics classroom across the hallway and on the second row of lockers. Meaning that she didn't have to crouch down in order to open it. But before Thea could open her locker and put her new books in she heard someone call out her name from down the hall. "Hey, Thea!"

Thea turned to the source of the call and saw none other than Peter Parker and his good friend Ned Leeds walking towards her. "Hey Parker, hey Leeds," Thea called back at them.

Maneuvering through the busy hall, Peter and Ned both managed to make it to Thea. They stopped right in front of her locker and Thea waited for what they needed.

"Since you're new here I was wondering if you wanted to eat lunch together," Peter said over the loud chatter of the hall. "I-I mean not t-together together but like you, me and Ned." He said trying to make it less awkward.

"Yeah that would be great Peter, although I don't really know where to go for lunch, so I guess that's where you two come in." Thea chuckled half-heartedly.

"Ned and I can show you around the cafeteria and where we sit, just to warn you we aren't exactly popular during lunch...or during any other time," Peter said sheepishly.

"I expected as much but I don't care; as long as I have friends to hang out with then I'm fine wherever," Thea assured back. "So...where to?" She asked walking ahead of both of them. Thea walked forward but didn't realize that Peter nor Ned was following her.

"Peter, you have to keep her with us. This could be the way we jump up the food chain!" Ned exclaimed.

Peter still in awe said back, "I know she's great."

Thea turned around only to find that both Peter and Ned were almost half a hall down from her. "Come one you guys!" Thea shouted, "You guys are my chaperones in this school!" Ned and Peter both looked up from each other and began to walk toward Thea. Once they finally got to Thea, she asked, "So what took you so long? Gossiping about me?" She jokingly asked.

"Uh no, no we weren't," Peter said back. "We were just talking about our... our" "The test we just took in Spanish." Ned chimed in. "Y-yeah our test in Spanish," Peter confirmed. "It was a doozy, I mean what's the difference between imperfect and preterite right?"

"Righhhhtttt...." Thea said, not fully understanding what was going on.

"You two confuse me sometimes."


As the trio entered the bustling cafeteria, Thea stopped and looked in awe, taking all of it. The large room filled with chattering teenagers; the smell of grease and axe body spray harassed her nose. "So where do we sit?" Thea implored, now looking over at the boys.

"Oh we usually sit in that empty back table in the corner," Ned said while pointing over at the corner of the room.

"Let's hurry up then, I'm starving." As Thea said this her stomach growled. She began to walk towards the line where food was being served.

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