11- The Argument (E)

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Thea let out a yell of frustration into the air. A noise, specifically the noise of a trash can lid slamming shut, coming from a nearby alley shook Thea out of her thoughts. She decided to go closer to it to make sure no one was in trouble. To her surprise, she found Peter. Peter Parker was rummaging through a trash can. Just when she thought he couldn't get any weirder. Thea decided to remove her broach in order to appeal more to Peter. She tried to be as nonchalant as possible when she walked down the alley, pretending to be there by accident.

"Peter Parker!" Thea yelled down the alley. Her voice caused him to jump and hit his head on the trash can lid. "Ow, ow, ow," He said quietly while rubbing the back of his head. Thea ran down the alley as fast as she could and rammed herself into Peter, giving him the tightest hug in the world. He finally realized who she was and said looking down at her, "Thea? What are you doing here?"

Thea looked at him in disbelief and stopped the hug that she had on him. "Looking for you, you asshole! You think it's funny to disappear on us like that? And for what? To dumpster dive?" She banged her hands on his chest after every new question.

"It's kinda funny if you think about it," he said while rubbing the back of his injured head.

Thea glared up at him, her mouth hung open and with all the force in her body leftover, Thea smacked the side of his face. A large, red handprint leftover when her hand left his face. Peter then gripped the side of his face, a shocked look in his eyes. Peter stayed silent, looking down at Thea. She began to tear up, not having the courage to look back up at him after what she did. Still looking at the ground, Thea blubbered out, "I was worried about you Peter, your Aunt May was worried about you...I didn't know what happened to you or if you were okay and this is the reaction you have?" A single, silent tear fell from her eye and hit the ground.

Peter finally had the guts to speak up, "Thea, I had no idea...if I knew this would've happened I would have nev-"

"But you still did it!" She roared into his face, finally looking up at his injured face. "You knew this would happen, you knew aunt May would be worried and me too...I mean, for fuck's sake Peter, you left us and you ran away!" She said this taking a step back and waving her arms around wildly.

"What are you even dumpster diving for? Huh? Answer me goddammit!" Thea was full-blown sobbing now. Tears flowing and falling freely onto the ground.

Peter looked back at the dumpster then back at her before quietly saying, "J-just spare computer parts."

Thea didn't believe him for one second, he kept stuttering and didn't want to look her in the eyes. "I don't believe you Peter...what are you really out here for?" Thea questioned him, her eyes still full of water. Peter shifted from one foot to another, his arms behind his back.

Seeing as how he wouldn't tell Thea, she tried to go to open the lid of the dumpster, but before Thea could get a peek inside it Peter slammed it back shut. Thea turned around to look at him in disbelief, scoffing she said, "Wow, so you won't even let me know the truth now? Some friend you are Parker."

Thea whipped away from Peter and towards the exit of the alley, they were currently in. Her tears finally began to stop flowing, Thea realized that he wasn't worth the tears. Thea knew having friends on this mission would be a waste of her time and emotional state. That's what this was, a mission, and I had to remember that. Thea walked through the dark and dank alley until a hand grabbed her wrist, forcing her to stop and turn around. Peter gripped her wrist tightly, not wanting her to go.

"You want to tell me the truth?" Thea said, deciding to give him one last chance.

He stared at her for a moment, staying silent before he looked down at the ground and let go of Thea's wrist. Thea scoffed and turned back around, this time he didn't stop her.

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