33- The Plan (E)

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"Wait, you're calling in Black Widow?!" Peter exclaimed. 

Tony turned his head over his shoulder to glance at Peter. But when he saw the look in Peter's eyes, the look of excitement and admiration, Tony scoffed and shook his head. 

"You really are a piece of work Parker."

Suddenly, a voice called out in the car. A curt, and monotone voice spoke, "Tony? What do you want?" 

"Hey, Nat...I'm not going to sugarcoat this, Thea...Thea got kidnapped. And we need your help finding her." 

Silence cut the air after Tony said this. The car became stiff and the air grew cold with the wait of an answer. 

"Where are you?" Nat spoke curtly. 

Tony let out a sigh of relief and breathed in before spilling out his answer. 

"We are at the Facility. Right outside th-"

"Wait who is we?" Natasha interrupted Tony. 

Tony slyly looked at Peter out of the corner or his eye, which Peter caught, before Tony cleared his throat and said, "The Spider-Boy." Tony smirked as he said this but wiped it off completely as Peter abruptly turned around in his seat to stare straight at Tony. Peter narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips at Tony as Tony kept talking to Natasha.

"I swear to god Tony, you bringing that kid into this will only make things worse," Natasha spoke clearly.

Peter was about to call out, proclaiming that he was the best thing for Thea and her freedom, but Tony got to it before him.

"I thought about this to Nat, don't think I didn't, but he is the best option," Tony sighed out. Peter looked down at his lap and then out the car window. The trail of trees was gone and they were turning into the side of the building. 

The soft clicking of the car as it turned off shook Peter out of his haze and he turned to Tony, who was already done calling Natasha. Tony sighed out and pressed his forefingers to his forehead. Peter quietly glanced over at Tony and breathed in sharply at what he saw.

Through Tony's white fingers, Peter saw a single tear drop from his eye and hit Tony's lap. When Tony noticed that Peter was staring at him he inhaled sharply and wiped his eyes quickly and quietly. Tony avoided Peter's stare and abruptly clicked his seatbelt off and opened the car door. 

Peter kept his eyes on Tony until he could no longer see him when Tony closed the car door. Peter quickly followed suit and got out of the car. 

The cold, wet air took Peter by surprise as he shivered slightly. Peter turned around and saw Tony already starting to walk towards the building. Running slightly, Peter caught up with Tony and walked next to him in silence.    

Once the both entered the building, Peter could see a slender figure with red hair with their back turned toward them. The sound of the glass panel door opening caused the figure to turn around, only to reveal themselves as Natasha Romanoff. 

The first thing Peter noticed about Natasha was that her usual stoic facade was broken by slight wrinkles of worry on her forehead. A meager pep in her step caused Natasha to walk to Tony in record time. And with total silence, she encased Tony in her arms with a warm hug. Although her body spoke through her emotions, her face now held the normal stoic look. Her previous wrinkles of worry were gone and her face was emotionless. 

Tony let out a soft chuckle and smiled sweetly, "Now's not the time for you to show so much emotion, Natasha." 

Peter looked on in confusion but nodded when Tony shook his head and patted his hands on Natasha's back. Peter saw Natasha pull back from the embrace before she spoke out directly, "Come on, we got a girl to save." 

Static Pulses [Peter Parker] (Completed) {1}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz