29- The BreakFree (E)

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After what felt like months of recovery, when it reality it was only a few more days, Thea finally gained the strength she needed to escape. She had been planning out this for a couple of days.

Thea knew there was a camera in the corner of the room, filming everything that was happening. The only place in the room that did not have a camera filming was the bathroom. So Thea would have to go to the bathroom and break through the wall as silently as she could.
She already knew that this wouldn't be an easy task to do. Especially considering the condition she was in only a few days ago.
One wrong move while breaking out could prevent her from leaving at all.

As normally as she could, in order to not draw attention to herself, she swung her feet over the bed and both of them hit the floor at the same time.

The only thing she had shoe-wise was a pair of slippers. Nothing good for running in, so she had to rely on her powers for everything.

Thea slipped her feet through the slippers that were laying next to the bed and stood up. She took one last look at the camera and walked over to the bathroom.

She had already packed a bag filled with all the items that she needed for the trip. The bag was laying on the wall that she would soon break, a pure white wall with no windows or view of the outside world.

As soon as Thea entered the bathroom she quickly made her way to the wall that held her from freedom. She placed a hand on the cold wall and rested it there while thinking of what she was about to do.

Thea then transformed her flat hand into a fist on the wall and formed as much power as she could without straining herself. She then took a step back and focused all the power on the wall and the bricks that lay beneath it.

Slowly, the wall began to crack and bricks came out of their place in the wall. Soon enough, Thea had pulled out enough bricks silently, making enough room so she could fit through the opening.

It had already been 10 minutes and Thea knew the people watching the room would start to get curious as to why she was inside the bathroom for so long.

Using the last bit of energy, Thea lifted herself off of the ground with her remaining powers and pushed through the hole in the wall.

As soon as she hit the fresh air, Thea smiled. She took a few seconds out in the air before she began to hear the sound of the doorknob in her room beginning to rattle. Once Thea had heard that she wasted no time and blasted off into the clear sky.

A steady stream of purple mist trailed behind Thea as she reached speeds she had never done before.

Thea looked back at the building in the distance which grew smaller and smaller, she then turned her head back at the open air before her and smiled.


It took Thea a couple more minutes to reach somewhere inhabited. She couldn't risk someone spotting her in the sky, so she did the most reasonable thing and landed in the woods nearby. The dense forest helped conceal her arrival by air and the soft earth cushioning her descent.
The woods around her were lush and green, showing that the place she was at got regular rain. Thea followed the natural trail that was on the ground after water eroded it down.

It took Thea another 5 minutes of following the trail to reach a road that led to the town. Her heavy bag was beginning to weigh her down and she needed to rest as soon as she could.

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