10- The Savior (E)

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Thea quickly jumped off the building in order to find and possibly save Peter. She thought it was strange how Peter mysteriously vanished from his apartment, but right now she didn't have the luxury of having time to think about it. Thea had to find Peter, and fast. Thea continued to form her powers to be able to fly for at least a couple more minutes. Desperately Thea looked down to the restless city below, trying to find any glimpse of the wispy-haired boy.

Out of the corner of her eye, Thea managed to see something, not Peter, but Spider-Man. He was whizzing by on his webs to the lower end of Queens it seemed like. Thea argued with herself internally for a moment before she realized two sets of eyes are better than one. Thea poured out more mist to her palms and shot out, quickly following behind Spider-Man.

Spider-Man was surprisingly fast on those webs when he wanted to be, this made it difficult to catch up to him while he was still swinging. When Thea did catch up to him, he was already done swinging and on the ground. Thea landed softly in a nearby alley beside a jewelry store, her powers quickly dissipating into her palms. Thea strode out from her hiding spot once she spotted Spider-Man standing in front of the store. Spider-Man looked over at the moment to his side and immediately noticed Dark Matter, strutting over to him. Spidey, with confusion in his voice, said, "Dark Matter... what are you doing here?" He fully turned to face her.

Thea crossed her arms, hoping to intimidate him even by the tiniest amount. "I need your help Spider," Thea said, her eye contact with him never breaking.

"Could it wait," Spider-Man inquired. "I kinda need to help out this store first." He said this while gesturing to the closed store with one arm. Her eyebrows furrowed deeper as she asked, "What help? It doesn't seem to be in trouble." Right as Thea said this an alarm went off inside the said jewelry store.

Spider-Man looked at her in satisfaction and pride before saying, "You were saying?" He then began to make his way to the store. Thea rolled her eyes in disbelief, "Go on then Spidey, save the day."

Spider-Man paused his steps to the store. "What about you? You just follow me here and you're not even going to help?" He prodded her. Shaking her head and pointing to the store being robbed, Thea said, "Nah, you don't need little old me. You're a big boy now, you can handle this yourself."

Spider-Man looked at her then at the store then at Thea again before starting to speak again, "I-" Thea stopped him before he could speak by saying, "Go on! Time is of the essence."

He shook his head at Thea then began to sprint to the store being robbed. Outside the store, Thea could still hear the occasional grunt and groan from someone inside the store. She could also hear glass breaking and objects falling too. In the distance, the sound of sirens could be heard. Knowing that the addition of police into this equation would be trouble, Thea immediately ran over to the store. She noticed a group of men webbed up against a wall next to her. Thea wasn't able to locate Spider-Man inside the store. She walked behind the counter and looked around but still couldn't find him. Thea's search was cut short by the sound of a flush coming from a back room. Suddenly, Spider-Man appeared from the room, a piece of toilet paper was stuck to his feet and he was fidgeting with his hands.

Thea scoffed at him before she said, "Really? You used the restroom here?"

He jumped at the sound of her voice and looked into her eyes. "Yeah, I never got the chance to go home because, you know, Queens needed saving."

Thea rolled her eyes once more at him but what he said reminded her of the reason she was here with him. Thea rapidly grabbed him by his forearm, which was quite beefy. His arms could put Captains to shame. Thea shook those thoughts from her head and said, "Come on, I heard sirens coming here. We both know we don't want to deal with the police tonight."

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