38- The Last Hello (E)

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Peter looked down at Thea in admiration. Her eyes were still closed tight, but the continuous movement of her chest rising and falling reassured him. Peter reached back down toward the table to Thea, placing his hands where they were beforehand and gently lifted her up. Carefully running outside the room, as to not jostle her, he tried to maneuver his way through the winding halls.

Peter groaned in frustration as he reached another dead end. He quickly pivoted around on his heels, but before he could set off again, he felt movement in his arms. Peter looked down to see Thea stirring in his grasp; her eyes were struggling to open as the lights kept flickering around them. Thea opened her eyes for a split second, not enough to actually see who was around her or what was happening. Her mind was still reeling from the harsh needle jammed into her neck and the torture she was put through. Thea suddenly writhed in Peter's grasp at the thought of more happening to her. Peter's grip on her tightened as he called out in a calming voice, "Hey, hey, hey, Thea, it's just me."

When her eyes finally adjusted to the harsh lighting and her body ceased its wiggle, Thea said in a hoarse voice, "Peter?"

Peter smiled softly at Thea as he said, "I'm here Thea." Peter peered down at her neck, specifically at the spot where the needle once was. The gaping hole that once stood as a stark reminder of her torture was now healed over completely. Peter shook away his disbelief and quickly turned his attention to the rather bulky collar attached to her. He nodded his head in the direction of the collar and asked, "What is that?"

Thea lifted up a hand to her neck and placed it on the collar that inhibited her from her powers. Her fingers glided over the collar as she explained. "It's an inhibitor collar...it basically stops me from using my powers." Peter looked away from Thea as she explained in detail. 

"Is there a way to take it off?" Peter questioned. He began to walk down the hall with Thea still in hand. Thea pondered for a moment, her mind searched for the answer to that question; she soon came to realize that the remote that Dr. Truman always held with her was the source of her collars power. 

"Yes, but it's with Dr. Truman. She has the remote that controls it." Thea explained to Peter.

Peter turned down another hall before he asked, "Wait, who is Dr. Truman?" Peter's steps slowed as he waited for Thea's response. Thea then explained everything that had happened with Dr. Truman since she had been here. The pain she had been through, the torture she had been inflicted too. Thea swallowed her pain she felt while telling Peter. Peter was in visible pain while he heard her say this. His jaw was clenched and his eyes closed tight as he heard her repeat her story of pain. 

Peter gripped to Thea tighter as he ran down the halls, trying to find this monster of a person. While running, Thea had asked how he found her and if he was alone. Peter explained through clenched teeth about how he, Tony and Natasha found her by her powers and that Tony and Natasha were holding off all the guards while he went to find her. Peter, with Thea still in his arms, continued running through the halls until he could hear the sound of people speaking nearby.

The faint sound of a woman yelling at someone alerted Peter of his proximity to, hopefully, Dr. Truman. Peter crossed the threshold of a door that led into an open room with high ceilings. It was a pure concrete room with two exits, one where Peter and Thea entered, and the other was a large garage opening where a car was sat. Standing outside of the car was two burly men getting yelled at by an older, brunette haired women in a white lab coat. 

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