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Seven years ago...

"Get out of my house you little brat!" My mum shouted at me the moment I stepped into the house.

"But mu-"

"Don't 'mum' me, I'm not your mum" She gritted her teeth, anger evident in her voice.

I couldn't believe that she could do this to me, send me out of her house. Sure it was expected but I thought I still had a few more years.

"Do you have any idea what you are doing?" I said trying to sound brave and strong "you are sending a ten year old girl out on her own just because yo-"

"Enough!" She interrupted "just get out of my house"

She threw my small suitcase down the stairs and I watched in horror as the contents were sent flying out

I bent down to pick them up and put them properly inside my suitcase and I locked it back tightly.

I suddenly, couldn't breathe anymore, my breath was caught in my throat , and I began choking on my own tears. the pain was too much. I needed to leave as fast as possible, she didn't need to find out. The room became too hot for me to stay. I turned on my heels to leave but she interrupted me yet again.

"And hand me your keys" She said, tapping her foot against the wooden floor, obviously getting impatient.

I reached for my keys in my pocket and threw them on the floor as I ran out of the house into the cold night heading nowhere in particular.

As far away from the house as possible I calmed my breathing with the treatment the doctor had given me, the way I was instructed and the struggling stopped almost instantly.

When I was calm enough I continued my journey to nowhere and I couldn't stop the tears from making an ugly appearance on my face. I felt alone and rejected. I guess this was my own ugly fate.

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