Chapter 37

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Its been 3 weeks since we told Josh about our relationship. Time just flies, right? Thankfully we have had limited run ins with Ms. Fender and she's been fully dressed each time. Now we have a dire situation. It is a matter of life and death! Danny's birthday is next week and I dont know what to get him! 

Okay, fine I exaggerated but still I have no clue what to get him and Im freakin out. I mean he bought me an island, how do you compare to that? "Calm down, he would love anything that came from you. You could pee in a can for all he cares." I glared at Kane. He didnt do anything to piss me off but my pregnant hormones are getting to me with all the worrying. I mean Im 6 months for crying out loud!

"I know he would take anything but I want to get him something he's going to love! We already have his party planned for later, me and Jess are going to take over decorating his classroom, so all I have left is his gift."

"How about you give him your body?" Kane shrugged and I thought about that. Thats actually a pretty good suggestion but he was getting that anyway.

"Nahh he was getting this anyway." I smirked and Kane's face contorted into a look of mild disgust.

"I didnt need to know!" He said covering his ears and screaming 'la la la' like a little kid. I laughed and just shrugged.

"You brought it upon yourself." We stood up from the coffee shop right when my phone went off playing Love Bug by the Jonas Brothers.

"Hey Baby girl."

"Hello lovely husband of mine. Me and Kane were just heading home now."

"Alright, see you when you get home." I hung up and got in the passenger side of Kane's car. The reason me and Kane had to go home was because I had a docter's appointment and I got to figure out the sexes of my babies! I was secretley hoping to have at least one little girl to call Naomi and I know Danny always wanted a little boy to play catch with and teach everything he knows.

We reached home and Danny opened his door and met us halfway up the driveway. "Alright well since you are in good hands Im going to head home to my girl. See you later, Sweets." I waved at Kane and watched him drive off before me and Danny got into his car and pulled out of the driveway.

"So what do you want for your birthday?" I asked Danny. He quikly looked over at me and smiled.

"I dont care. You could give me pee in a can and I would be happy." I looked at him weirdly.

"Have you talked to Kane in the last hour?" 

"Nooo why would you think that?" Okay that is just too creppy. They said the same thing!

"Umm you just said the same thing he said about the pee and that was just really creepy." danny started laughing and then we lapsed into a comfortable silence. I realized that the silences with Danny are always comfortable. Hmm that just shows me how much more 'in tune' we actually are.

We pulled into the hospital and walked into the waiting room for the maternity ward. All I smelled was over disinected flors and floral air freshener. Eww. I mean pregnant people are sensitive to smells and this room would have anybody sitting over a toilet puking their guts out. Disgusting, I know. 

"Erica Tate?" Me and Danny stood up and went to the room to wait for the docter. I went through the routine with laying down and lifting my shirt. They only difference was that my stomach had completely blocked the view of my feet.



"Are my feet ugly?" Danny's head shot up and he gave me an amused look. 

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