Day 1-2:45

307 10 5

"Move move move!" The Sargent yells over the sounds of gunfire. I duck as a green bolt of energy sails out of the woods surrounding our base and destroys a row of trucks. We are defending a town/army base from whatever is attacking us.

My black and grey uniform blends in well with the darkness, and a good thing too. Swarming out if the woods are huge aliens. Standing at about eight feet tall with a body that looks like a blue-hued human skeleton, conical, eyeless head and a four foot long spear-like tail. Oh, and don't forget the telescoping jaw with razor sharp fangs.

I raise my rifle to my shoulder and use my helmets targeting systems to sight my first target. The gun kicks against my shoulder and a cloud of green blood spurts up from the alien's head and it goes down.

"Kate!" I yell into my com link, "get your ass down here and bring the others, now!" Seconds later a female voice answers,

"Yes sir! Should I bring backup as well?"

"Negative." I respond. "Those six should be enough for these bastards."

"Right!" She says back. Several more green bolts sail over my head but I pay them no mind. I simply fire my rifle at any alien that comes close, which is to say, a lot. Gunfire, explosions, roars and screams echo around me but they do not affect me.

Two minuets later I'm crouching behind a crate when eight people dive out from behind nearby buildings, roll behind boxes and start firing at the enemy.

A girl with long brown hair kneels next to me and hurls a grenade at the advancing horde of enemies. Her face is obscured by her helmet but I swear she's smiling.

"What's the status J'son?" She asks me.

"We are facing approximately fifty of the enemy, origins unknown, weapon strength: high." I reply.

"Shit." She says ducking down as a bolt of energy sails over us. "Jack, 'manda!" She yells. "Cover fire!"

A pair of young soldiers begin to fire at the exposed alien soldiers. "Kate, let's go!" I say and run to the next set of boxes that act as cover. We hit the ground as a spherical object sails over our heads and explodes inside one of the buildings. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I ask.

"You read my mind." She says. I can't see through her visor but it sounds like she's having fun.

"Alright then. Go!" I shout, vaulting over the crate pulling out my combat knife as a go. Kate stands behind me, firing at the closest alien whom I am running at. I hit the ground and slide forward as it fires a burst of energy from the silver box on its forearm. I spring up in front of it and fall into a combat stance.

We slash and stab at each other with our respective weapons. My knife versus its claws. I, being the smaller and lighter, dart around the alien's bulk, slashing and stabbing while it roars at me. Suddenly its tail whips around and smacks me across the chest, sending me flying.

"J'SON!!" Kate screams as I slam into a building.

"Ah, dammit!" I say standing up. My head swims and I feel dizzy.

"Are you okay?" She asks, worry creeping into her voice. Our squad continues to fire at the enemy while Kate examines me.

"I'm..." I say. Before I can finish my sentence however, a high pitched cry rings out across the town. All of the aliens give one final snarl and disappear into the woods. "Well that was one hell of a fight," I say as the rest if my group start walking to the dining hall. I take Kate's arm and walk with her back to the sector where the barracks are located.

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