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Question asked by hannahjune1414
What gave you the idea for this book?
Well, I'm a huge Harry Potter fan. One of my favorite characters is Ginny, who has six older brothers. I was kind of imagining what Ginny's life might be like, and the foundation of the plot appeared. As for the spy part, I wanted there to be an older brothers book that wasn't mainly about the girl's love life. I kind of wanted it to be about family and sticking together even when times were tough. I decided that there must be a reason why their parents abandoned them, and from there, I came up with the idea. Thank you for the questions!

Question asked by AGoodSap
What did you enjoy most about writing the story?
I guess I really enjoyed sharing the big plot twist with y'all. I had a lot of fun writing it and creating the story. It was great seeing your reactions after they learned that their parents were spies, and it was also great seeing your reactions after they learned that the Murphy's were their real parents. I love getting the feedback from you guys. It makes my day reading the comments and seeing all the votes on my story. Thanks for the question!

Question asked by AGoodSap
Can you relate to the story in anyway?
I originally wanted Summer to be just like me. That's why I made her favorite sport basketball, and how she loved music, and all these small little details. At first I related to her, but then as the story evolved, her character became stronger and more empowered. So I guess I kind of related to her at first. Of course, I relate to the struggles of being a teen and all the pointless drama that happens. Great question! Thank you!

Question asked by Pandicorn_Mendes
Do you actually have older brothers or sister and if so, how many?
I have a twin brother who's older than me by two minutes (he never lets me forget it). I also have seven cousins who are all older and male, so of course I was picked on and had to hang out with them. I guess that's another thing I relate to in this story.

That's all folks! If you have any other questions, comment them here.

Are any of y'all interested in a one-shot contest? If you are, comment below! I will have prizes!

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