Catherine Schuyler

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Laurens: Wait... who?

Eliza: My baby sister!

Laurens: You have a sister?

Eliza: *points to Peggy and Angelica*

Laurens: T_T ... I meant like ANOTHER sister.

Angelia: We have two other sisters! Catherine and Cornelia! 

Quinn: But I picked Catherine cuz she's considered by some fans to be the "forgotten" Schuyler sister. 

Hamilton: She's adorable! Very sweet girl.

Eliza: She does love Alexander. She gets so excited when we come to visit. She loves when Alexander puts her on his shoulders. 

All: Aww!

Aaron: *chuckles* That's cute. 

Angelica: Catherine's a sweetie alright. Mom says sometimes she picks flowers for me, Peggy, Eliza, Alex, and basically everyone she knows, then lines them up in the living room until she can give them to them.

Herc: *gets in Angelica's face* SHE SOUNDS SO CUTE CAN I MEET HER PLEASE???

Angelica: Why?

Herc: I love children.

Laurens: It's true. There was this one time when he saw a couple walking down the street with a really cute baby. He ran at them so fast, the mom kicked him in the...

All: Oooooooooof. 

Herc: But as I crawled away, the baby said "bye-bye" to me, so it was worth it. 

Jefferson: I hate babies. All they do is make noises and unsavory smells. 

Herc: *deep gasp* WHAT'D YOU SAY PUNK?!

Laff: *holding Herc back* Mon ami! You need to... how you say... Be More Chill! 

Quinn: Okay who taught Laff that?

Peggy: *slowly raises hand*

Quinn: Okay, Thomas, take five minutes in the timeout corner for your insensitive comments on babies. 

Jefferson: What?

Hamilton: *smirks* You heard the lady. 

Jefferson: *glowering, shuffles over to the timeout corner*

Quinn: So, any final thoughts on Catherine Schuyler?

Eliza: I love her so much!

Peggy: But I'm still her favorite!

Angelica: WE KNOW!

Samuel: She sounds like a sweet girl.

Jefferson: (From the corner) No comment. 

Quinn: Well, that's it for this episode of Hamilton Reacts to Stuff! Seeya next time!

Laff: Au Revoir!

Samuel: Goodbye!

Herc: Respect babies kids! 

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