Bet On It

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Quinn: Hey y'all! We're back for more Hamilton Reacts to Stuff! I'm Quinn, and as always, here's the Hamilsquad!

Laurens: A-y-yo, y-y-yo-yo, what time is it?


Laurens: *dies from deja vu*

Quinn: We'll just get right on into it today. Today we've got a request from SavannahEclipse

Herc: L-M-M... Do people just have letters for names in the future?

 Do people just have letters for names in the future?

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Quinn: No, LMM is Lin-Manuel Miranda.

Hamilton: Wait-

Laurens: You mean that dude from Mary Poppins?

Angelica: And the guy from Spamilton?


Quinn: ANYway, he did his own version of the song Bet On It from High School Musical to promote his show In the Heights. 

Peggy: Ooh, what's that about?

Quinn: It's really good. It's about this Latino community in Washington Heights, New York. Maybe we should do a reaction to it someday. 

Washington: Yes, sounds interesting.

Quinn: But this is what we're reacting to today! *puts on video*

Everybody's always talkin' at me 

Everybody's tryin' to get in my head 

I wanna listen to my own heart talkin' 

I need to finish In The Heights instead 

Hamilton: Wha-? What's with this guy? If you have work to do, STOP [BLEEP]ING SINGING AND GET IT DONE. 

Eliza: *gasps as she holds Phillip in her arms* ALEXANDER! *smacks him* 

Hamilton: Ow! I'm sorry, but this guy is a dunce!

 Did you ever 

Close a show to put it back on

 Did you ever 

Get on a stage and wanna get off? 

Did you ever 

Dance around the park and let it all go? 

Did you make a video 

Instead of writing your show?

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