We're In A Revolution

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A/N: I know I said I was taking a break, but I love this book too much!]

Quinn: Hello! Welcome back to Hamilton Reacts to Stuff!

Laurens: Yo, yo, yo!

Laff: Good morning, everyone!

Herc: What's up, creatures?

Quinn: How's everyone doing today?

Hamilton: Pretty good. I've had Sincerely Me stuck in my head all week, but besides that I've been good.

Peggy: It's a great song and you know it!

Hamilton: I know, but do you know what it feels like to sit down to do work, and in your head you hear a voice say, "Kinky!"?

Peggy: *bursts out laughing* Well, I've been listening to Be More Chill, Heathers, and Dear Evan Hansen all week. They're amazing.

Quinn: I'm glad you guys like them! And speaking of Heathers, we've got some special guests with us, as requested by Isabella-Stories:

Quinn: I'm glad you guys like them! And speaking of Heathers, we've got some special guests with us, as requested by Isabella-Stories:

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Hamilton: OH NO.

Angelica: *casually cracks her knuckles and neck*

Quinn: So please welcome from Westerburg High School... Heather Duke, Heather McNamara, and Heather Chandler! Collectively known as the Heathers!

Theo: Which one's Heather Chandler again?

Theodosia: The really mean one.

Heather C.: Honey, I'm not mean. It's not my fault I'm naturally better than everyone.


Hamilton: Quinn, you realize this might destroy the world, right? Have you an ounce of regr- *shudders*

Quinn: Nope!

Heather M.: Um, hi! I'm Heather.

Peggy: HEATHER M! I love a sister in yellow!

Heather M.: *unsure but also kinda happy with the attention* Yay! Me too!

Heather D.: Ugh, this place is sooooooo tacky.

Martha: *sarcastic smile* Welcome to our happy home. Please, do come in.

Heather C.: *sits down and pauses* Isn't anyone going to offer me a drink?

Angelica: *in a tense voice* If you want a drink, there's a mini-fridge right there. *points* Why don't you stand up and get one yourself?

Heather C.: *makes a face at Angelica* And just who are you?

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