Musical Sing-Off and Billie Eilish (Summer Special, Part 3)

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Quinn: Helloooooooo, everyone! Welcome back to our summer special! We've all just had a lazy morning of relaxing and enjoying the camp facilities. *is sitting by the lake with a handful of the crew* How's everyone's morning going?

Philip: *runs by screaming* 

Hamilton: *chasing after him* I'm gonna get you, young man!

Philip: SAVE ME!!

Jefferson: So the truth comes out at Hamilton's parenting ability.

Eliza: *sitting in a chair with a book, looks up, confused* Alexander? What's going on...?

Hamilton: *scoops up Philip and tickles him* RAHHHHHH!

Philip: *screeches and tries to wriggle out of his arms* LEMME... *takes breath* GO!!!

Laurens: *appears from behind a tree, grinning* It's over, short stuff. 

Philip: THEO! *throws a football*

Theo: *runs into the open and catches it* 

Laurens: What-?! Where did you come from?! Burr, you were supposed to keep watch over her! Can't you watch over your own kid?

Burr: *comes over wheezing* I tried! She's sneaky! 

Theo: *proudly runs off with the football* 

Hamilton: *groans, puts Philip down and goes to chase her*

Eliza: *giggles* What are you guys playing?

Philip: Football. Me and Theo and Uncle Laff are on a team against Dad and Uncle John and Mr. Burr. 

Angelica: I don't think that's how football is played.

Hamilton: Well, we may have changed the rules a little.

Laff: *runs out to Theo* Fantastique, Theo! Now, throw it to me.

Theo: *tosses the football to him*

Laff: *catches it and takes off* 

Laurens: He's going into the woods! 

Philip: LET'S GO, THEO! *runs to follow Laff* 

Hamilton, Burr, and Laurens: *chase after them* 

Eliza: Be careful! *watches them go, smiling warmly* It's so nice to see him finally enjoying himself. 

Angelica: Took him long enough. 

Eliza: He's finally letting go and just having fun. That makes this whole trip worth it. 

Quinn: *grins* Well, they'd better rest up a little, though, because the challenge is coming soon, and they're gonna need their energy for this one. 

Jefferson: Should I be frightened?

Quinn: Oh, Thomas. You should always be frightened. But the readers should be excited, cuz today is a fun one!

[Timeskip brought to you by all the Tony winners! Congrats, everyone!]


Quinn: *standing behind a table with a white tablecloth* Alright, guys! Here we are at the Camp Glitter stage!

Madison: Why is there a stage here?

Quinn: "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women are merely players." Shakespeare said that. 

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