Happy Mothers' Day!

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Hamilton: Why isn't the chocolate fountain set up? I specifically asked you guys to have it set up by now.

Laurens: *standing over the chocolate fountain with the rest of the Hamilsquad* Give us a break, man! It's like the instructions are in another language or something!

Laff: Even the French ones don't make sense!

Hamilton: Are the foot spas set up yet?

Jefferson: *annoyedly stands up with wet stains on his knees and shirt* Yep.

Madison: *looks out window* The catering's here.

Hamilton: Perfect. Uhhh... Philip, you get the door. I need to help set up the chocolate fountain.

Philip: Me?

Hamilton: Yeah. Here's the money. *takes wallet out of back pocket and hands a 50* Go.

Philip: *uncertainly goes to the door*

Hamilton: *claps hands* Come on, people, we don't have much more time! I know we're all tired from the trip, but this needs to be perfect!

Philip: They're bringing in the food, Daddy.

Hamilton: Thanks, son. Now let's fix a chocolate fountain.

Herc: Here. *yanks the instructions out of Laurens' hands and thrusts them at Alex* You try. Cuz I sure as heck am done with this [bleep!]

Philip: *eyes widen at his language but says nothing*

Hamilton: Here, Laurens, hand me the chocolate.

Laurens: It's already in! It's just not coming out!

Hamilton: Hmm... *tries to make it work*

Burr: *looks out the window* They're home!

Hamilton: [Bleep!] Alright, you guys try again. *runs to the door like a crazy person* *slowly opens door so all that can be seen is his face* Hello, ladies.

Eliza: *smiles* Hi, Alexander. Can we come in?

Hamilton: *eyes trail upwards and to the side* Ah... no. Not today. Sorry.

Eliza: *giggles* Okay, so we'll come back tomorrow?

Hamilton: That would be best, yes.

Angelica: Alexander, we've been shopping for hours. All we want to do is go sit inside on the couch and watch a movie.

Hamilton: I understand that, but you see, we guys really made a mess of the place, and-

Angelica: *tries to push past him*

Hamilton: *tries to push on the door closed, turns to the guys in a panic* Guys? Help?

[The chocolate fountain suddenly starts pouring chocolate out]

Laurens, Herc, and Laff: WOOHOO! *high five and chest bump*

Laurens: It's working!

Hamilton: *throws the door open chivalrously* Come on inside!

The girls: *all file in and gape in shock at what they see*


[The parlor is pristinely clean, with a little foot spa for each girl parked at the couch and all the chairs, with presents next to each one. In the kitchen is an array of food and snacks, plus a now fully functional chocolate fountain and dipping station]

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