Panic! At the Disco

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Quinn: Welp, we're back...

[Shot of the studio singed with black everywhere with the occasional smoldering hunk of coal]

Quinn: We put the fire out at least...

Hamilton: I'd like to say that this is all Jefferson's fault.

Jefferson: How is this my fault?

Hamilton: If you hadn't used witchcraft or whatever you did to manipulate your Roomba to attack mine, this never would have happened!

Jefferson: I told you before, I had nothing to do with it! Try to get it through your thick skull!

Hamilton: My skull is of average thickness!

Quinn: GUYS! It doesn't matter. We put out the fire, everyone is safe, we're good now. Can we just move on to our next reaction?

Hamilton and Jefferson: Mm...

Quinn: Anyway, we've got a request from themysteriousnobody:

Quinn: Anyway, we've got a request from themysteriousnobody:

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Herc: Heh. "Panic at the disco"... sounds like it was made for Farmer, 'cept it's more like Panic at the Everywhere...

Samuel: Excuse me, sir, if it wasn't for my panicking- er, I mean, my emotional awareness... we would have all been burnt to a crisp! Is that what you would have liked?

Herc: No. I want bacon, now that you're talking about burning to a crisp! Quinn, can we get some bacon?

Quinn: Later. Now, I had intended to invite a special guest, but since our studio is in ruins... *coughs on smoke* I told him he didn't need to come. But this guy is so gosh darn nice, he insisted on coming anyway. So everyone, please put your hands together for... all the way from Mount Vernon... GEORGE WASHINGTON!!!

All (except for Laurens, who shudders violently): HERE COMES THE GENERAL!!!!


Washington: Good afternoon.

Jefferson: Sir, you won't BELIEVE what Hamilton's been saying-

Hamilton: Don't listen to him, sir! His insides are vile!

Jefferson: Oh, an ad hominem, eh, real mature-

Washington: Now, now, settle down, boys-

Hamilton and Jefferson:  *point to each other* HE STARTED IT!

Samuel: *nervously scootching backwards*

Washington: *spots Samuel* Ah, you're Mr. A.W. Farmer, aren't you?

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