Thomas Sanders

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Quinn: Hey guys! Welcome back to Hamilton Reacts to Stuff! 

Laurens: 'Sup, guys!

Laff: Allo!

Angelica: Merry almost Christmas!

Quinn: So, we'll just get right into it. Today's reaction was requested by midnightdevil132:

 Today's reaction was requested by midnightdevil132:

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Hamilton: Oh no. Not another Thomas. I can't even handle the one we have. 

Jefferson: Well that's rude.

Quinn: Oh, stop it, Alex. This Thomas is cool. He used to make Vines, which are six second comedy videos.

Laurens: Six seconds? How the heck can you do anything in six seconds? Watch this- somebody time me.

Madison: *pulls out stopwatch from nowhere*

Laurens: Oh, say can you see? By the dawn's e-

Madison: That's time.

Laurens: See?!

Quinn: You'll get it in a minute. Six seconds is more time to make a video than you'd think. *turns on the compilation vid I posted above*

Laurens: OH MY GOSH THAT WAS ME SO MANY TIMES IN SCHOOL. I friggin' hate reading. 

Samuel: I...I don't understand... why did he tell that man he was putting the wrong cans of soup on the shelves? 

Quinn: It's just a joke.

Samuel: *crosses arms* Not a funny one... 


Hamilton: Oh, that Harry Potter one is relatable. 

Peggy: It's still too soon...

Herc: Ha! That's gonna be Alex as a dad.

Hamilton: No it's not! 

Herc, Laff and Laurens: *smirk and nod*

Herc: And that dude who flips his test over first is definitely Burr.

Burr: Well, I usually was the first person to flip over my test-


Jefferson: Oh, look, another glimpse into the future of Alex with his kid!

Hamilton: Excuse me, I would NOT freak out over a spider in the house!

Madison: You'd probably make your kid kill it. Tell them it would build character.

Hamilton: Shut up! 


Laff: Ze one scratching his butt is Herc.

Hamilton: Oh yeah. No question.

Herc: Don't judge me!

Angelica: Ew. Anyone who drinks orange juice after brushing their teeth is not human. 

Peggy: Wow, getting pulled over and making your kid take the fall...

Herc: LOOK, ALEX, IT'S YOU!!!!

Hamilton: I hate you all.

Angelica: Wow that lady is an actual queen.

Peggy: That's gonna be you as an old lady. You know that, Angelica.

Angelica: *struts*  "You better watch out, honey..."


Samuel: These "story times" just seem rude! And then he scared that little girl into thinking her hair was being chopped off and... oh. The notebook thing. I've done that before.

Hamilton: What?

Samuel: Keeping something important with you, and then constantly checking to make sure it's there. Heh heh. *smiles*  I've done that quite a few times.

Quinn: Yep, that's what's so great about Thomas Sanders. His Vines are relatable, which makes them funny. What did you guys think of Thomas Sanders?

Hamilton: Eh. 

Jefferson: You're just grumpy because his videos were relatable to you being a terrible father.

Hamilton: Hey, Thomas, you should start running.

Jefferson: For president?

Hamilton: No. You should just start running. *chases after him*

Quinn: Anyone else?

Laurens: He was hilarious! I wanna be just like him. *sneaks up behind Laff* STORYTIME!!!!!

Laff: *screams and jumps in the air* 

Laurens: *laughs*

Burr: I didn't really get it. Not my kind of humor.

Laurens: In every group of friends, there's the dumb one.

All: *point to Burr*

Burr: You guys suck.

Quinn: Well, that's all the time we have for today! Thanks for the request, Midnightdevil! We'll see you next time on Hamilton Reacts to Stuff! Say bye, guys!

Peggy: Seeya later!

Hamilton: Bye, guys!

Laurens: And remember: you guys are all stupid...LY TALENTED, YOU BEAUTIFUL, DELICATE BUTTERFLIES!!! AHAHAHAHA FLUTTER! *throws glitter* 

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