Sanders Sides

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Quinn: Hey guys! Long time no see! Welcome back to Hamilton Reacts to Stuff! Say hi, guys!

Philip: Hello!

Eliza: Nice to see you all again!

Herc: BRAH! 

Quinn: Okay, so let's get right into things.  The winning request was suggested by both spilledtea666 and DD_287! Congrats, guys! This is what they requested:

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Quinn: So that means we'll be taking a look at Sanders Sides today!

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Quinn: So that means we'll be taking a look at Sanders Sides today!

Laurens: What's that?

Quinn: Remember when we watched Thomas Sanders Vines? Well, these are Youtube videos that focus on him and his relationship with the four main aspects of his personality. 

Laurens: Huh? 

Angelica: That sounds kind of self-absorbed, to be honest. 

Quinn: You guys'll see what I mean in a minute. Today we're going to be watching Accepting Anxiety, parts 1 and 2, because I feel like they're important episodes.

Samuel: "Accepting Anxiety?" Why... what does that even mean?

Quinn: It'll all make sense in a little bit. Here we go! *turns on* 

Angelica: Um... Thomas seemed funnier in the Vines.

Hamilton: This guy's famous? It's like he doesn't even care!


Laurens: *applauds*

Theodosia: Morality, creativity, logic... oh, so they're like the personified versions of those personality traits?

Quinn: Exactly!

King George: Ooh, I love that line. "Timeout for thee, and timeout for thee. Focus on issues, or focus on me." I'm stealing that.

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