A/N: A Letter (10K)

1.6K 36 37

My dearest everyone,

  Once upon a time, a girl had the idea to write a book where Hamilton characters react to modern things. She stared it that night with her dear friend milevenstitch as its only reader. She had no idea that it would gain a following. She wrote over thirty reactions, sometimes hitting as many as thirty readers a day. The girl loved writing the book. She loved when people commented and she got to interact with them. She loved when people mentioned that the book made them laugh, as she so enjoyed the feeling of making someone laugh or smile. One night- this very night- that book reached ten thousand reads. The girl couldn't breathe. She was so excited, touched, and thankful for every single reader. She hoped that all of her readers knew how much this meant to her, and how much she appreciated all of them.

That girl is me. 

That book is this one.

I am so thankful for the support of each and everyone of you. I still can't believe my eyes. Ten thousand reads. It feels so surreal. Thank you everyone who's ever read this book. You are the best of readers and best of people. I will see you on the other side.

Your obedient servant,


(10,000 reads: 3/4/19)

Hamilton Reacts to Stuff!!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें