Mary Poppins Returns

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Quinn: Hey guys! Welcome back to Hamilton Reacts to Stuff! Say hi, everyone!

All: *say nothing, huddled over Eliza*

Quinn: Yeah. Everyone's a little... distracted...

Peggy: Aww, Phillip just blinked!

Quinn: Guys, I get it, Phillip is cute, but can we start the reaction now?

Hamilton: Yeah, Quinn's right! Back you savages! He's my kid! *shoos everyone away and picks up Phillip*

Quinn: So, what's fatherhood like, Alex?

Hamilton: Very tiring.

Eliza: Excuse me, but who gets up in the middle of the night to feed and change?

Hamilton: *sniffs* I help too...

Eliza: He's perfect. I just adore him. *kisses Phillip's head*

Quinn: Aww. He's cute.

Laurens: Heck yeah he's cute! And soon he won't be the only baby around here...

Herc: When's Theo due, Burrger King?

Burr: *rolls eyes* In a few weeks.

Peggy: Yay! More babies! *yoinks Phillip* Thank you~!

Hamilton: Peggy, we've talked about this...

Eliza: Can we please have our child back?

Peggy: No.

Quinn: SO ANYWAY. Today's request is from milevenstitch !

Quinn: YESSSSSS! I actually just watched Mary Poppins Returns last week! It was amazing!

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Quinn: YESSSSSS! I actually just watched Mary Poppins Returns last week! It was amazing!

Laurens: Who's Mary Poppins? And where is she coming back from?

Quinn: Oh, you guys are gonna love this. Especially you, Alex!

Hamilton: Huh?

Quinn: So, we'll have to take a trip to the movie theatre!

Eliza: Is it alright for Phillip to come?

Quinn: Hmm, good point... Don't worry Eliza, we'll get a sitter for him.

Eliza: Oh, I don't really feel comfortable with that! He's so little!

Quinn: But I don't want you missing the movie! You're gonna love it!

Washington: I'll stay behind. I would be honored to watch little Phillip for a bit.

Hamilton: Sir, are you sure?

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