Laurens' Interlude

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Quinn: Hey, guys, it's time for more Hamilton Reacts to Stuff. I'm Quinn, and you know these dorks.

Samuel: Good morning!

Laurens: *two finger salute*

Quinn: So, today's request is from hithisismynamelol:

Quinn: So, today's request is from hithisismynamelol:

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Quinn: That is a great username, my dude. Anyway, I guess we'll just get started.


I may not live to see our glory


Alexander, there's a letter for you from South Carolina


But I will gladly join the fight


It's from John Laurens. I'll read it later

Laurens: Um, WHAT, my letters aren't important enough for you, oh great and powerful Hamilton?

Hamilton: I was busy! I can't help it that I have a life!


No, it's not. It's from his father.

Laurens: Uh... why is my dad sending Alex a letter? That's weird...


And when our children tell our story


Will you read it?


They'll tell the story of tonight


"On Tuesday, the twenty-seventh, Lieutenant Colonel John Laurens was killed in a gunfight against British troops in South Carolina.

All: WHAT?

Laurens: I'm dead? What the [bleep?]

These troops had not yet received word from Yorktown that the war was over.

He's buried here until his family can send for his remains.

Laurens: *turns pale, wobbles* My remains...

As you may know, Lieutenant Colonel Laurens was engaged in recruiting three thousand men for the first all-black military regiment.

The surviving members of this regiment have been returned to their masters."

Eliza: Oh, John...


Tomorrow there'll be more of us


Alexander, are you alright?


I have so much work to do


Herc: J-Laur is dead?

Laff: Mon ami, non!!! *hugs Laurens, crying*

Hamilton: Um, I take back what I said about having a life... that's painfully ironic now... 

Peggy: *crying* I don't want John to die!

Everyone: *crying and freaking out*

Hamilton: We're not gonna let John die! Everyone, lock the doors.

Everyone: *locks and barricades the doors and windows*

Hamilton: Good. Now, John, you can't leave here. 

John: But I was gonna get tacos for lunch...

Hamilton: TOO BAD.

Washington: Hamilton, I don't think you're thinking this through.

Hamilton: I think everything extensively through!

Washington: But how is everyone else supposed to leave?

Hamilton: Oh...

Peggy: Group sleepover!

Jefferson: OH GOD NO!!!

Washington: Hamilton, a word. *Takes aside* Sometimes you have to let things be. People die. It's sad, but it happens. 

Hamilton: But, sir-

Washington: I wouldn't want Laurens to die, either. But some things are beyond our control. 

Hamilton: ...

Washington: It's going to be okay,  Hamilton.

Peggy: Tommy, hold still! I'm gonna braid your hair!


Quinn: Guys! I think I should let you know that this song is, well, a song. 

All: ?

Quinn: It was written by a guy named Lin-Manuel Miranda-

Peggy: That dude from Spamilton?

Quinn: Yep. So, what I'm trying to say is, this is just a song.

Angelica: A disturbingly specific song.

Quinn: I know, but it won't happen in real life. Probably. I mean, you guys are living in the 21st century now! There aren't even redcoats anymore!

Madison: But why would this man write a song about Laurens dying?

Quinn: *mutters under breath* That's not the only thing he wrote about you guys.

All: What?

Quinn: Nothing. The point is, don't take this song to heart. Laurens is probably gonna be fine.

Peggy: Good. Cuz I am more than capable of busting redcoat heads. *cracks knuckles like an action hero*

Angelica: How did you do that?

Hamilton: Fine... Laurens, you can leave, if you want.

Laurens: Actually, the whole group sleepover thing doesn't sound too bad-

Jefferson: NO NO NO NO NO NO NO-

Laurens: Maybe we could hang here for a little while?

Washington: *smiles* Sure.

All except for Jefferson: WOO!

Peggy: Let's binge watch Disney movies until our eyes get numb!

Laurens: And somebody order some tacos!

Quinn: Well, we're gonna close out! See you next time on Hamilton Reacts to Stuff!

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