Thank You

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Wow. What a year.

Thank you, everyone, for turning this book into what it is. Whether you've been reading for months, or you just stumbled upon it last week, thank you for giving me a chance. 

Thank you for everyone who's ever left a request, made me laugh, or brightened my day with kind words. Thank you to everyone who's ever picked a fight with Jefferson, encouraged Maria, started a lyric chain, or just showed your support and encouragement in the comments. Reading your comments has been my favorite part of this whole experience. You are all so smart, funny, sweet, and uniquely special in your own way. In the words of Lin Manuel Miranda, you are all cinnamon rolls, too precious for this world.

And thank you to all of my silent readers, too. I may never know who you are, but I know you're there. Even if you've never left a single vote or comment, I appreciate that you've been reading. Thanks for coming along with us.

Thank you to all the friends I've made through this book. You guys have made this so much fun. I always look forward to hearing your thoughts, seeing the roleplays you wanna start, and just knowing you're there reading is such a boost of confidence. 

A big thank you to my dad. The day you took me to see Hamilton is one I'll never forget. You're the smartest man I know, and thank you for always letting me come to you for advice. Your support and pride in me and this book have made this such a great experience. I can't wait for you to get to this chapter and see this. Love you. <3

And last, but certainly never least... thank you to -Stitch. I know I mention her all the time, but she deserves every ounce of appreciation and more. Finn, there isn't a word in the dictionary that describes how great you are. I still vividly remember that night where I texted you and said, "I'm going to start a book where the Hamilton characters react to things." I ended up writing six chapters that night, and you read every single one. The very first comment- as well as the first request- was from you. Thank you for always letting me bounce ideas off of you, and thank you for all the great suggestions you've given me. (Guys, if you liked the summer special, Finley is to thank for the musical sing-off and the prom) When I first told you I was thinking about ending this book, you were genuinely sad. That speaks volumes to me; you've become as invested in this book as I have. But then you also talked me through it, basically giving a voice to everything I had been feeling, and I felt so much better about everything. I'm so thankful I get to have you in my life. You're truly one of a kind. 

I want every single person who has reads this book to know how thankful I am that you've been on this journey with me. That sounds really lame, but it's true. It's been a crazy adventure, writing this book, and I'm so glad you all got to come with me. No matter who you are or how long you've been reading, you're all a part of the Hamilton Reacts family, now and forever. 

I'll leave you with some words from our hero, Lin-Manuel Miranda:

"You are perfectly cast in your life. I can't imagine anyone but you in the role. Go play."

I'll see you on the other side.



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