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Quinn: What time is it?


Quinn: Hey everyone, we're back! Greetings from Mount Vernon!

Jefferson: Can I just say it is so good to be home?

Madison: *nods* I've missed all this fresh air. My allergies have been so much calmer! 

Hamilton: You guys aren't home, because last time I checked you don't live at General Washington's house. Or maybe you do. Creeps!

Jefferson: Take a pill, Hamilton!

Quinn: Now would be a good time to mention that General Washington let me make a new and improved time-out corner in his living room! 

[Cut to a little blue plastic chair in the corner with Christmas lights on the wall around it and a handpainted sign that says TIMEOUT CORNER!]

Quinn: What a guy. So Mr. Washington will be here sometimes, but other times he might be at work. He's not home right now, sadly, but I'm sure he'll be back on the show soon.

Samuel: He'll be back... dadadadada-


Quinn: Anyway, we've got a request from QueenCatRulerOfAll:

Quinn: Anyway, we've got a request from QueenCatRulerOfAll:

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Quinn: This is the picture they wanted us to react to:

Quinn: This is the picture they wanted us to react to:

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All: Uhhhhhhhhh...

Laff: Eet- eet is me! And I am in jail! I... I am not a criminal!

Hamilton: Did that really happen when you went back to France?

Laff: No! But eet could have!

Hamilton: Laff, I'm so sorry-

Laff: Non! Non, you said you would help me with ze French Revolution! Did I get funds... and guns... and ships?

All: *shudders*

Laff: Non, monsieur, I did not! But you know what we deed get? Kicked in ze butt, and a very sad musical made about us! Eet's name literally means "ze miserable"! 

All: ...

Laff: You... you trickered me!

Hamilton: Do you mean "tricked" or "triggered"?

Angelica: He very well could mean both. 

Laff: Zat is eet! *adjusts ponytail and coat* I am leaving!

All: Laff no!

Laff: Laff oui! 

Laurens: C'mon, dude... Laff Nation, remember?

Laff: Laff Nation is going back to his own nation, France! 

Laurens: Nice job, Alex. You couldn't have sent him like a sailboat or something?

Hamilton: We were in the middle of a very stressful time! 

Herc: What about one of those potato guns? Those are awesome and totally something a friend of yours might want for Christmas. *cough*HERC WANTS A POTATO GUN*cough*

Quinn: Laff, please don't leave! We love you!

Laff: I am sorry, Quinn, but I think eet iz my time to go. 

Peggy: *jumps in front of the door* If you're leaving, you'll have to go through me. *puts on game face* 

Laff: Peggy, please move.

Peggy: No. 

Quinn: Hey, look at it this way, Laff- your people are free now!

Laurens: Yeah, they're free as heck! 

Angelica: And we'd miss you a lot if you left.

Eliza: Please don't leave, Lafayette. *does her famous Smol Puppy Eyes™* 

Laff: ...Ça me gonfle! Fine, I will stay.

All: YAAAAAAAY! *almost everyone group hugs Laff*

Jefferson: *hugging Laff* I just want to let you know that I wanted to send you funds from the beginning and I love France and-


Quinn: So... any final thoughts on this picture?

Hamilton: Horrible!

Peggy: Disgusting!

Angelica: Shameful and deplorable! 

Quinn: It hurt my heart big-time. We're all part of Laff Nation here, right?

All: YEAH!

Burr: Even though that is not a thing... I would have missed you too, Lafayette.

Laff: Awwww, come here, you wishy-washy curmudgeon! *grabs and kisses on both cheeks* 

Burr: 0_0 

Quinn: Well, that's all the time we have for today. Thanks for the request, QueenCatRulerOfAll! Laff, go ahead and close us out.

Laff: A la prochaine, mes amis! I will see you on ze other side! 

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