Chapter 22

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Christian let his fingers trace the bottom edge of the glass mugs. It was a slow night, the same laid back that had worse stories than his. He'd heard it all. He could have written a book. He could listen all night, but when they started asking about him if they didn't remember him, or if they did. He was just there to listen

The smell of cigarette smoke and free flowing booze was soothing, the replay of the old country classics from the old school jukebox. He had to admit when he was young the only thing the knew about Dolly Parton was that he had breast the size of beach balls. The country thing was always his dad's thing. He didn't love know she originally sang "I Will Always Love You", and no disrespect Whitney but he liked Dolly's version better. It made him think of Riley. He wanted to some how play it for her before she went to sleep. So she knew how Daddy felt when he had to leave her.

It was because of that, he would catch his breath when one of the drunks went to the jukebox. He didn't want to spend the next few minutes fighting back tears. He'd look like an idiot. There was once he just pretended to have to run to the back for something. He didn't want to feel like he was being a bitch, or a dead beat dad, or maybe he was. His dad sure as hell thought he was. Not that he was winning father of the year either.

He filled another glass from the tap and slid it over to toothless Dusty. He gave him a curt nod and noticed another walk over to the Juke box. He took a breath, he would have thought he wouldn't have to worry about that. A few clicks, some rolling static...Kenny Rogers, The Gambler. That he could get with. He bobbed his head to it and even sung along with the patrons as he whipped down the counters. He didn't always cut lose but it felt good, and he knew the ladies liked, it was just too bad it was late so a lot of the clientele were married couple and old ladies. Some couples even got up and danced.

As it got closer to closing time he considered not even going back home. He felt a little wired anyway. That's when he'd heard the normal chime just later than usual. That was odd, and he looked up and discovered a face he'd never thought he'd see. His jaw tensed. His father lips curved into a small smile, but the deep shadows under his eyes and the lines on his face looked more defined.

He slumped into a barstool looking as lost as any other drunk he served. He could have almost laughed. He went straight for the Jack, and at waited until he's escorted the last drunk out of the place to talk to his dad. He knew he didn't need the town talk about is strange obsession with his receptionist and her sisters.

Dusty was always the last one out, this time he he'd had a grip on his dad. Telling him something about father and son, and how his son hated him and never called, he then started to cry like a baby. Christian suggested he go call him and ask him to pick him up. When his ride finally came Christian was glad to finally have the bar to himself, then he remembered his dad.

"So you told her, huh." He came around the bar.

He cradled his nose. "I kissed her."

He nearly spit out a laugh but closed his mouth grabbing his cloth and the pledge to do the counters. "Second base. You eager beaver."

"It was was an accident."

"I take it she didn't take it to well." He refilled his father's glass, "How much is my tab."

He chuckled, "That's my personal stash."

"Good, keep 'em coming I'll replace it."

"Don't worry about it. What happened?"

"She apologized." He looked up at him looking distraught.

Christian's eyebrows bounced as he crossed his arms over the counter. "So she too the entire blame for the kiss. I mean, that means she likes you enough to kiss you. That's a good sign."

The Secret Admirer Next Door (Love Next Door Series Book 1) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now