Chapter 39

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She turned from the counter to face Valerie her eyes were glossy like she was on the brink of tears.

"What did you do?" She gently placed her hands on her hips.

"The right thing, Valerie." She said with authority in her voice.

Valerie pushed her lips together. "Mel, if this is about Shaggs..."

Her eyes narrowed, "Why would it be about Shaggs?"

"Mel, don't throw your dreams away chasing after some man. You're going to regret it, baby. Trust me, I know."

Her head fell and she laughed again. The thought of Melanie chasing Shaggs was kind of funny. "Valerie, I'm not chasing Shaggs." She said.

"Then what are you doing?" She strolled up to her.

She looked toward the window probably where Christian and Issac were talking about this very situation. Valerie couldn't help but wonder if maybe, they were overreacting. They all were adults, but she couldn't ignore that pang in her gut.

The expression in Melanie's eyes was pained but still she smiled against it, "Val you've done so much for me already. It's time I do something for myself."

Valerie shook her head, "Mel..."

"I've been talking to Shaggs..."

"You've been talking to Shaggs?" She already didn't like the way this sounded.

"He says there is an opening in the performing arts department, for a drama teacher. I could teach, right?"

She smiled softly, "You could. But is that what you want?"

"Valerie, just never say I didn't do anything for you."

Valerie went into her drawer next to the sink where she found a white envelope with a sticky red glittery bow and found the one with Melanie's name. It was the only one with a bow, she knew Mel could appreciate her attempt at being festive, including dotting the I's in Mel's name with hearts. She pushed it in her direction.


"Look, it's yours." She said, "You decide what you want to do with it. Just know that what ever you do, I believe in you." She gave her a smile and left the room before she could give it back. Valerie was surprised that it felt good. Her soul food restaurant my have been further off than she liked, but she wasn't ready to give up. For now she relished in her good deed.

A knock at the door pulled her out of her thoughts. She was standing in the living room where the children were asleep in front of the television. It was getting late and she needed to put them to bed for Santa to come. There was another knock at the door and she walked and opened it and giggled at what was on the other side. She guessed she was a little late for Santa. His shiny white whiskers hung around his deep chocolate eyes that always seemed to make her heart do a dance.

"Ho! Ho! Ho!" He chuckled.

"Merry Christmas."

Her eyes scrolled the tall figure in red. His stature even teasing against the red suit, and for some reason invoking thoughts she was sure would put her right on the naughty list as the scent of candy cane and his familiar cologne teased. . "Well hello?"

She thought she saw a smirk under the whiskers but she couldn't have been too sure. That was when she noticed the reindeer. A red nosed great dane with antlers.

She rested her fist on her hip, "You're early...or late depending on who I'm talking to."

His head fell and he looked back at her, but stayed in character, "I was visiting the good boys and girls at the children's hospital."

The Secret Admirer Next Door (Love Next Door Series Book 1) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now