Chapter 44

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The day after Christmas was a busy day for Abram Goodwin. It had been a long time time since he'd dated. Maybe there was some life in this old man yet, he thought as he studied himself in the mirror, he hardly looked like himself, he was cleanly shaven in a black tailored suit, with his dark hair slicked back.

He looked himself the once over again and headed down stairs. All three boys sat in the living room watching a movie on television like when they were younger It seemed like they all were closer now. He enjoyed seeing it.

"Dad you look...good." He notice Issac's wide eyes and approving smile. He drew Christian and Jake's attention and approving stares.

Abe just laughed tugging at his jacket, "Don't sound so surprised."

"Christian. I need to talk to you in the kitchen for a minute."

Christian nodded, "Sure." He stood.

Christian followed Abe to the kitchen, and Abe pulled the plane tickets out of his inside jacket pocket and pushed them toward Christian.

"What's this?"

"I couldn't figure out what to get you for Christmas, but now... now, you can go see Riley."

He looked down at it and looked back at Abe. "Dad...I...I don't know what to say.

He patted his son on the shoulder. "Just take them and see my granddaughter, and when her mother is comfortable with it, we'll go too. She should know us, and that we love her no matter what."

His head fell, "Dad it's more complicated than that, but thank you" He looked up at him and Abe noticed his eyes tearing up.

"We'll figure it out." Abe assured, "Just now I'm here for you. Just let me know."

He took a deep breath.

"I'd better get going." He said walking toward the door.


Christian looked up at him and he tossed keys across the room.

Christian quickly caught them in midair. He looked at him up at him. "Wait! You're giving me the Mustang?"

He winked and left out the door. His usual escape for these kids of scenarios. He'd always said he'd give it to Christian the two had been fixing it up for years. He hoped that now he would appreciate it.

His nerves got the better of him as he strolled up the walk way of the Davison house. This was worse than the first time with Issac and Melanie. He was half expecting Mr. Davison to answer and tell him that he couldn't see his daughter. He shook it off, aside from being impossible, he had made peace in believing that Daniel would have given him his blessing if he were still alive.

The door swung open and there was Melanie with wide eyes.

"Mr. Abe?"

Abe smiled. "Hello Melanie." He tilted his head.

She scrolled him with a bog smile. "You look, different."

His eyes narrowed, "A good different."

"Uh...yeah, but you don't look like, you." She giggled.

"Who is this handsome stallion on our door step." Dee came in the door way and then called out, "Valerie, some hot guy is here to see you."

Abe chuckled, "Thank you ladies." He said, "May I come in?"

"Well, come in sir." Melanie tugged his arm, "You date will be ready soon, you can wait for her in the family room."

Abe couldn't help but think that this was his 'just desserts' for Melanie. He couldn't complain, at least he'd known about the birds and bees, and he'd crossed the unthinkable line in that respect already and just the thought made his body react.

The girls all filed in the living room on the couch across his. They studied him with the grimaces of their father, although he acted intimidated it was a proud papa moment. The girls were protective of Valerie even with him.

"What exactly are you intentions with our , Valerie?" Melanie crossed her arms.

Abe smiled politely, "To show her a good time, the up most respect."

The girls leaned in and chattered amongst themselves. He noticed their stern faces and couldn't help but smirk, but straightened his smile when the sat looking back at him.

"You'll have her home at a decent hour."

He chuckled. "Tomorrow morning." He thought Valerie had told them since they were babysitting the kids.

They leaned in again.

"What will you be doing over night." Melanie said as they pulled apart.

He chuckled again. He couldn't help it, he had to admit the intentions in the hotel room were far from honorable. "She will be respected, Ladies."

They whispered again.

Abe heard someone clear their throat and he stood when he notice his gorgeous date. She wore a silky cobalt dress with a shear black shall, and silver sandal heels. Her eyes big chocolate eyes scrolled him, "Wow! You clean up well."

"You look absolutely breath taking." He had a right mind to just take her to the hotel room, but he knew the respectful thing and take her to dinner.

Valerie curled her hand in the crook of Abe's arm. She turned and waved at her sisters. She couldn't help but see herself years ago doing this, with the same man. What would have happened if she spoke up then. Did he feel the same way the sight of the shiny new black Lincoln sitting in the drive way brought her out of her thought. A giggle admitted from the back of her throat. "Wow!"

"It's a rental." He smiled, "I gave Christian the Mustang, and I didn't think the tow truck was appropriate."

Valerie tugged at her shawl and shrugged, "I didn't mind, Abe. I guess it's grown on me."

He brushed his fingers against her bare arm making her body tingle. "I just want to make you feel special."

Her eyes went down, "You always make me feel special."

He gently cradled his crooked finger under her chin guiding her to look him in his soft brown eyes, "I want to make you feel more special." He opened the door and she slipped in never taking her eyes away from him even as he walked around and slid into the driver seat.

She loved how his smell floated through the air. She focused on the bare skin on his face and her fingers itched to run her fingers along the smoothness. He looked like another person. It was almost scary. She almost wanted to run next door and ask the boys to make sure. She pulled her clutch to her. She had borrowed Cam's phone until she could replace hers.

"Shall we?" He turned toward the window feeling her cheeks burn against his gaze.

She took in a deep breath, and accepted that this handsome stranger was her Abe and leaned back in the leather seat, "We shall."

He pulled out of the drive way and they headed to their date. Valerie didn't know what all Abe had in mind but she couldn't wait.

The Secret Admirer Next Door (Love Next Door Series Book 1) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now