Chapter 33

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Stretching her arms up, Valerie had tossed and turned all night but some how woke up feeling refreshed, and then as soon as her feet touched the carpet floor, the nerves set in. She looked in the mirror, her hair wrapped in a purple scarf, thick circles around her eyes dark blotches in her skin, this was Valerie Davison. A mess of a woman with a life in shambles. Even her dream seemed distant. She hadn't given up, but she knew she couldn't very well send Mel back with nothing and risk her needed anything from that ass Mike. She couldn't even say she raised her sisters, they raised each other. They had leaned on each other. When the girls had gotten old enough to work, they all chipped in. She was just the leader, she was the best she could. How they got this far, her parents had to have been helping in some unseen ways, because she knew it couldn't have been her. She couldn't even keep her marriage together.

Who ever was waiting for her tonight was going to be in for a rude awakening. She didn't know what he already knew but clearly he didn't know enough. She wasn't exactly an open person. She was going to go and tell this 'admirer' that she was flattered about the admiration, it was clearly a three month lapse in judgment.

"Going to see your stalker today." Dee walked in twisting up her plum lips stick and sliding it across her lips. It wasn't uncommon for Dee to come in and use the mirror in the master bedroom. It was the biggest in the house. The Davison sisters had beautified themselves for parties, dances and proms. Valerie was getting nostalgic.

"He's not a stalker, he's an admirer." Melanie barged in with her make-up bag.

Dee rolled her eyes.

"Who are you getting cute for?" Hissed Melanie.

"Myself, gremlin."

Melanie's eyes narrowed and her lips puckered as she pulled out her eyeliner.

"You might as well not even bother, Mel. You are a hopeless cause."

Valerie blew out a breath, "Look if you two are going to use my mirror stop stop clouding my head space."

"Yeah, Dee. Valerie has enough to worry about."

Dee feathered in her mascara on her lashes, "I hope you are getting a police escort."

Valerie sighed, "I asked Mr. Abe, but he's busy all day with the boys." That was really upsetting. If anyone would she wanted to protect her from some psycho stalker it was Mr. Abe, "He said, he would try to make it or send one of the boys."

"It probably is one of the boys," Dee chortled, "Maybe it's Shaggs."

"Shaggs is married, Dee." Melanie quickly defended.

"Yeah, because married men never check out other women." Dee's comment stung.

"If they didn't you'd be out of business." Melanie grumbled.

"What did you say?" Dee snapped, "I know you are not talking about talking, you were over there sleeping with Shaggs."

"Deidra!" Valerie yelled.

"Just tell us who Jamaal's father is, Dee. Was he married."

"Melanie!" Valerie chided.

Dee's eyes widened. "You don't know a damn thing about that." She grabbed the hot curling iron and went for Melanie. Valerie as usual was caught in the middle of one of the endless Mel and Dee arguments. They had never been able to get along, even as kids.It would always end with something broken from feelings, to dolls, even clocks, their mom's porcelain figurine collection.

"You two are too old for this." Valerie screamed, "Dee go check on the kids."

Dee's eyes narrowed at Melanie before she left. Valerie cradled her head.

The Secret Admirer Next Door (Love Next Door Series Book 1) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now