Chapter 36

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Valerie walked in from the snow and ice outside. The air in the office was more tense than she expected. The familiar smell filled the air, his cologne. It sent her heart raging, she had to ignore it. After last night, she wanted to ignore any Abe-induced feelings until she could figure things out. 

"Valerie." He called. There clear agitation in his voice, but she had never encountered it toward her. 

She walked slowly into his office, his door was open but she could just see the edge of his desk. She swallowed thickly as she approached with caution. She didn't know what she was expecting. Maybe Abe couldn't take rejection, maybe this was exactly what she was afraid of. The true side of Abram Goodwin. The one that hired her to ware down her defenses to sleep with her. Just the thought seemed far fetched, but there was something that changed. 

Maybe he was going to fire her, and that was okay. She was sure she would have a job at Nelly's. The only reason she hadn't worked there when she came back was because she worked at Nelly's all through her teenage years, Trusty's was a change, though she had no idea her boss was checking her out. 

She blew out a frustrated breath and straighten her back before she peered over the door frame to see him at his desk writing on something. A stack of white binders blocked her view, but she was curious of the color. She was expecting him to be signing her pink slip. It didn't sound right, maybe she was paranoid or just being irrational.

"You rang?" She crossed her arms over her breast. He may have been her boss but he wasn't going to push her around, or make her feel small. It was a rejection, and they would still have a professional relationship. 

His dark eyes met hers pushing the wind out of her sending her stomach fluttering, but she needed to hold her composure she wasn't a love-struck nineteen year old, she was a grown woman. 

"Have a seat."

Her eyebrow quirked and she pushed her lips over. "I'll stand."

He cradled his nose. "Valerie." The deep growl in his voice, took her back. She surrounded and trotted over to the desk chair. 

"If this is about last night, Abe."

His eyes fell with his thick eyebrows, "It's not."

"Then what is this about?" His attitude didn't change.

"Valerie, I don't think that I can work with someone who questions my character."

"Fine." She sighed, "Do you want a two week notice, or are you firing me?" Valerie stood to her feet, "Either way, I agree. If we can't have a professional relationship than we shouldn't have one at all Mr. Goodwin."

He cocked his head and his nostrils flared, "Really Val? That's what we've come to. This is childish."

"Childish?" She blared, "How about firing someone because they didn't want you. I think that's borderline sexual harassment. I think maybe I should get representation." She struggled to keep her voice from shaking, she hadn't expected that she would would on the defense with Mr. Abe of all people, he was the last person she thought she would be threating to sue for sexual harassment, but he was the last person she thought would have pulled something like this. It made her question their entire history. 

His eyes narrowed as he stood up walking toward her as if challenging her. The muscles in his neck tensed and her eyes started to trace his thick biceps as they pressed against his gray shirt. His lips tensed and his dark eyes glared at her. Suddenly, she became more aware of her jacket. It was extremely hot, or was that him. 

"What do you want from me Valerie?" He growled. He was close to her face, she didn't think he realized her personal space margins, but that never bothered her before, now however...

The Secret Admirer Next Door (Love Next Door Series Book 1) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now