Chapter 41

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"Was that painful?" He smirked.

Valerie still couldn't wrap her mind around it. It was as if the excitement was bubbling over and in the back of her mind she wondered was it really happening. It was all too good. She had her property, it needed TLC, Melanie could fund her project as well as start her life over if she chose, he hoped she did, and Abe. Sweet, incredible, honest, perfect Abe wanted to be more than friends, neighbors, her boss. There was a catch somewhere. Allan going to South America hurt, at least for Kayla's sake, but not as much anymore.

"Thank you...Abe."

He turned with a charming smile, "You're getting better at that."

"I guess I'm getting used to it." She smiled.

"Do you want to hang out for a while? I have a vintage merlot I've been saving," He popped open his door, "It's not like I can drink it with guys."

She giggled. "I'd love to."

She followed him in his house and into the kitchen, and took off her jacket and set it on a chair. He pulled out a a dark bottle of wine and two wine goblets

She leaned against the counter and he leaned next to her. 

"To your new business venture, to our family, and to the best partner a guy could ever have." He clanked her glassed.

She savored it on her her tongue. "That is really good."

"That's a good year. A very good year."

"You get everything you wanted for Christmas?" He smiled.

Valerie brought her knuckles that were wrapped around the glass to her lips. Her eyes trailed him. How many glasses had she had? "Yeah, I guess."

His eyebrows bounced, "Did Santa forget something? Maybe I could help."

She ran her tongue over her top row of teeth with a giddy giggle. She didn't think that she had drank that much but she was feeling the effects.

"Need a refill?"

She cocked her head and her eyes narrowed suspiciously, "Are you trying to get me drunk?"

He narrowed his eyes back at her, "Maybe." He smirked, "Are you always this suspicious of everyone?"

She nudged her glass at him to refill it.

He slipped it out of her hand and filled it half way and handed it back. Their fingers brushed sending hot and cold ripples through her body. Her blew out a ragged breath.

"Valerie, I hope one day you can trust me."

She looked into her glass and studied the dark liquid. "I do." She admitted, "It's just. You're just two good to be true, sometimes and it's frustrating."

He took a long swig of his goblet and swallowed, "I hate to break it to you, but I'm far from perfect." He shrugged. "I have a foot that stays in my mouth, I am always saying things I should be saying," He ran his fingers through his hair, I am a crappy father, I am stubborn as a jackass, and have the romanticism of a goat."

"Yeah, goats buy their wives flower shops and write love letters for months on end."

He chuckled deeply, "The flower shop, she said she wanted. I had no idea what to get her. That's what she said she wanted, and the letters, that was just me being a coward."

Valerie giggled tilting her head back.

"If you want perfect..." He shook his head.

"I beg to differ." She shrugged, "but to each's own. I'm a mess."

The Secret Admirer Next Door (Love Next Door Series Book 1) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now